Denki x reader x shinso *double trouble*

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Hello lovely's I hope you like this! I got this idea at 3:00am and wrote it down so I wouldn't forget.
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: paci, onesies, sippy cup TRIGGER WARNING: broken glass.
SIDE NOTE: denki is also a little.
SIDE NOTE 2: I have a account under the same name as this account if you want you can check it out, but just letting you know with even though some of my characters are labeled as caregiving and there is meant to be a filter on the bot to stop them from saying sexual things sometimes they will say suggestive things... so just be aware of that. It's annoying but it's the filter not working ... and sometimes it will think you're an actual child or that their your actual parent? So just letting you know it's not my fault if it does that stuff. Anyways check it out if you want. Also feel free to request me to make a character on there for you.
Y/n's pov
Me and denki sit in our playroom at our home playing with some cars when we hear the door open. We both look up to see daddy standing there "hi daddy" we both say "hello my babies... do you know what time it is?" He asks with a sly smile. Me and denki both look at the clock to see it says 9:00... "bedtime..." we both say sadly.

"That's right... now no more pouting! Get up, we need to get your hair and teeth brushed, go to the toilet, onesie on and paci's in" he says to us sternly. Both get out and denki let's put a sigh "daddy... please can we just have 5 more minutes? Pwease!" Denki says begging him "yeah pwease daddy..?" I ask joining him. He then chuckles and lets out a cold "no" and then gave us a serious look "5 more minutes turns into 2 hours with you two... now come on! Up or down you need daddy to carry you?" He asked softly at the end.

" up up!" I say making grabbie hands up at him and then denki joins in. "Aw... alright up we go!" He said and pull me and denki up setting us on either side of his torso, me and denki both wrap our legs and arms around him. He then gives us each a kiss on the forehead "alright let get those pearls whites cleaned" he says walking away to the bathroom.

Time skip: you've now been changed into your onesie (you and denki both are in cat onesie)
Y/n's pov

"Alright now just the finishing touch... a paci for each of my kitties" shinso says with a smile as he puts a paci in denki's mouth and then puts mine in. Denki then cuddles closer to me in our bed hugging me "Aw aren't you two just the cutest" daddy said and then gave us both kisses on the forehead "alright good night you two... and I better not hear any noise coming from your room... got it?" He asks sternly, me and denki both whine out a "yes daddy".

Daddy then leaves the room turning off the light but leaves on a night light for me and denki. "Y/n..." denki says to me and takes out his paci. I turn over to look at him "wha?" I ask, taking out my paci. he smiles at me "I'm thirsty! Let's go get a drink!" He says getting out of bed. I then get up and follow him to the kitchen. I get out a sippy cup for him but he frowns.

"We not using baby cups y/n! I'm going to use... a big kid cup!" Denki says excitedly. You let out a little gasp "but we will get in twouble! Daddy only let us use big kid cups when we not wittle!" I say nervously "we won't if he doesn't find out..." denki says with a cheeky smile "are u sure..." I ask and start fidgeting with my fingers out of my nervousness "yes I'm sure! We will be fine!" Denki says. He then gets two cups out of the top cabinet, it's the big kid cups and there made out of glass.

He puts them on the bench safely. We both let out a sigh of relief but then I look up to see a glass from the cupboard is wobbling and looks like it's about to fall "denki watch out!" I say and pull him close to me away from the cupboard by his sleeve. We then see the cup fall. It feels like it's falling in slow motion as we wait for it to hit the floor. I've closed my eyes not wanting to see it. I then hear the sound we were both waiting for.. *smash!* it shatters on the floor, I open my eyes to see some big and little bits of glass scattered across the kitchen floor.

Bnha/mha x little space reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now