Yandere Bakugo x Reader *little do you know...*

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Hello lovely's! I hope you guys enjoy this. this is inspired by a c.ai bot I made (it's on private so if you go to my account you won't find it) anyways been pretty sick. had to have the whole week off of school which is definitely not good when you're in year 12 as everyday counts. also I'm slaying school right now with my grades and hoping to get an ATAR in the 80s. (even though I only need a 70 for the course I wanna do)

PRONOUNS:they/them  ITEMS: Paci, colouring book, onesie, diaper. TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ : yandere themes, kidnaping

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: classification AU. you are classified as a little, which is shows by 'little' being written on your wrist, also you're the only little at UA... lucky you! also there are no caregivers at UA... or so you and everyone else thought. little do you know... your rough, loud and scary classmate bakugo is acutely a caregiver himself. but he hides this from everyone. no one knows because he covers the classification over his wrist with foundation everyday and writes 'neutral' over it to fool everyone. the only reason why bakugo does this is because he doesn't want people to think or know he has a soft side.

Bakugo is utterly obsessed with you. I mean you're the only little in UA! which in his mind... equals you already being his and believes that you were made for him. like your only propose in life was to be his little... only his. no one else's. and he won't settle for any other little either because you're perfect for him.

Everyone in the school pretty much knows you're a little, and lucky for you even though littles are pretty rare, most are pretty accepting of them. 


3rd person pov:

it was later in the afternoon at UA. it's 4:13pm as it reads on the clock in the library. you and momo had stayed back to get some extra study in before the test you guys had coming up... not that she really needed it but you asked for her help. And of course your class 3A vice-caption was happy to help you!

...but unfortunately for you that doesn't go to plan when you unexpectedly slipped into little space, you were in about the 4 to 5 age range, so not too little. and it was obvious you had slipped. momo asked you a question about the topic you were studying and all you did was pout, let out a little whine and lay your head on the library desk in defeat.

momo let out a soft giggle "is that a little y/n I sense? hmm? are you feeling little?" she asked nicely, in a more caring tone then usual. even though she and your other friends were not caregivers they would always try their best to help you when you slip and make you feel comfortable around them in little space.

y/n's pov:

I let out another small whine, feeling a but fussy and nod my head. she smiles down at me "okay that's fine y/n. can you tell me how old you're feeling?" She asks and she leans down to look me in the eyes, as I had my head laying on the desk "4 to 5" I say quietly.

she sits up straight again "thank you for telling me y/n. I think we should leave the studying then to later on. how about you colour in your colouring book and make me a pretty picture while I go get this little Angel some juice" she says happily and pulls out my (favourite cartoon) colouring book and some crayons from my little bag that I carry with me.

I giggle excitedly and nod my head, swinging my feet back and forth from the chair. she smiles "alright I'll be back soon!" she say and then exits the library. I get to work on my colouring happily as I wait for her to come back. I was now alone in the library... or so I thought.

Bakugo's pov:

{there they are... my baby. my sweet little y/n... I'll bring you home tonight... this is the night. I've waited so long for this... every since the entrance exam when I read 'little' on your wrist I knew you were mine... only mine} I thought to myself obsessively as I watched them colour innocently... unaware of who or what's around them...

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