monoma x reader * don't run from me sweetie *

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Hello lovely's I have another yandere story for you because I saw that actually a lot of you voted for it compared to some of my other story's meaning that you must have liked the yandere theme. TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ YANDERE THEMES, DEATH and other things.
Y/n's POV

I don't know what to do, I don't know where to hide, I don't even know what's fully going on right now but all I know is that I have to HIDE. All I can think to do is find a hiding spot in a bush, I can't really hide anywhere else because I'm in the middle of a park at night. I'm scared, I'm shaking and I can feel the tears falling down my face slowly as I push my face into my stuffie to try and comfort myself.

I can hear him coming closer to me and I'm starting to shake even more, I sucked on my pacifier to try and soothe myself as my heart beat was going up. "Sweetie oh, little one!~ please come out for daddy he didn't mean for you to see that! He was just trying to get rid of some people getting in the way of us!"


I was going to daddy's room because I slipped into little space and wanted to play with him but what I am greeted with is my daddy standing over the dead body of pony and kendo "d-daddy what are you doing t-to our friends!" I said in a shocked voice as tears started to fall down my face "aw sweetie daddy didn't mean for you to see this..." daddy said to me as he turned around and I could see he was covered in blood...

Daddy stated to walk closer to me "s-stay away! You monster! Y-you killed my friends!" I said as I backed away "oh sweetie I'm not a monster! I'm just doing what's best for you! All you need in life is me! Your loving daddy and all I need is my precious baby"  he said as he walked closer to me and opened his arms "now, how about you come give daddy a hug and we can forget this happened little one, yeah?" "NO!" I shouted running away. "Oh you little brat..."

End of flashback
"Sweetie come out before daddy has to punish you! I promise I won't spank you too hard if you come out now!" He said and I could hear he was almost at the bush I was hiding in... oh no... "baby! There you are! Daddy was getting worried about you! How about you come inside so you and I can have a bath together like we always do" monoma said looking down at me with a crazed smile "n-no your not my daddy anymore you killed the people I care about!" I said as I cried more backing away from him

"Oh Angel stop being Silly and come here you little brat!" He said as he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out from the bush "HELP! LET GO OF M-" I tried to scream before he put a hand over my mouth and placed me on his hip "shh baby don't won't those 1-A idiots to hear now do you?" I tried To bite and scratch him but he had a firm grip on me "ah ah ah little one don't make daddy have to punish you more then he already has to... you know I thought you were a good little but here you are being a brat after all daddy was doing was trying to help you"

"No mater though I'll always love you and you'll always love me! Even if I have to make you I'm surprised you ran this far in only your onesie and socks little one, Aw and you still have your pacifier and stuffie with you baby, see this is prof that you need me! because without me who would take care of you!" He said "and plus I don't think I would ever be able to let you go now that I have you because you're just so cute Angel! Everything you do is adorable and... well you know me I just can't keep my hands off you sweetie"

He said as he put me in my "playroom" "alright now you be good while daddy goes and cleans up the mess and you better not try anything while I'm gone sweetie..." he said as he closed the door and locked it. I just sat there I didn't know what to do... I just cried because you know now that I think about it maybe he is right... I mean what would I do without him... he gives me all of the attention I could ask for he buys me things, makes me happy, plays with me and he doesn't judge me for being a little...maybe he is right.

Hello lovely's hope you liked this and also I just have to say thank you for over 900 reads! It means a lot to me!

Love - moon 🌙

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