Shoto x reader *it's what's best for you baby*

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Hello lovely's I just wanted to say thank you for 16.5k also thanks for voting on my book ^_^
Also to the person that requested this and asked for y/n to have trouble speaking I'm adding that part later on in the writing.
Sorry to the people with different pronouns but this is SHE/HER.
Y/n's pov
I was looking out the window looking at the pretty sunset while playing with my stuffies "look! Look! (Stuffies name)! Isn't it pwetty?" I said talking to my stuffie, I then brought them up to look out the window "I luv the pink and yellow and blue colours" I said. I then started babbling to myself and my stuffie.

"Who are you talking to little one?" I turned around to see daddy standing in the door way "daddy! Daddy! I was talking to (stuffies name) and look at the pwetty sky!" I said jumping up and down in excitement "yes it is beautiful isn't it princess?" He said moving over to the window to look out of it with me "oh I almost forgot why I came here, baby can you come with daddy to his office? Your not in trouble but I just need to talk to you about something" he said.

"Okay daddy! Can stuffie come?" I asked with puppy eyes "yes of course baby" daddy said as he took my hand and led me to his office, he walked over and sat in his chair "can you just sit in the chair in front of me baby?" He asked with a warm smile "okay daddy!" I said I then sat down in the chair bringing the stuffie to my chest.

Shoto's pov

"Okay so baby I know your not going to like what I'm going to say but" I said looking at her face I could already tell just from me saying that she started to look annoyed "so you've been having some accidents lately in little space mainly when it's bed time and I know you already said no but I really think you need to wear diapers at least when your going to bed" I said.

She then let out a "hmph" and then pouted "nu I donn want to" she said turning to look away "I know baby but I'm just trying to do what's best for you and you know that daddy wouldn't do anything that isn't good for you right?" I asked. She looked away again "baby can you at least try for me" I asked again "Nuuu im a big girl!" She then said and she ran out of the room.

"Uh this is going to be harder then I thought isn't it?" I said to myself. I then got up out of my desk and went to go find her. {hmm maybe if I bribe her with a pet she'll do it} I think to myself.

Y/n's pov

{silly daddy thinks I'm a baby and need diapers... I don't need them!} I thought to myself as I laid in my bed holding my teddy "sweetie...I know you don't want to but please just try for daddy" daddy said standing at my door "nuu" I said "please baby I'm just trying to help you, how about if you do it I'll get you a pet" he said.

I sat up in my bed "rweally?" I asked excitedly "yes baby any pet you want" he said "okie I do it" I said "thank you baby I promise it won't be that bad and if you hate it that much after trying it I'll just find another way to help with this problem" he said

He walked over to me and picked me up, setting me on his hip "let's go baby" he said as he brought me to my changing table, he laid me down gently "okay baby so do you want that one with bunny's, kitty's, plants, or stars and moons?" He asked as he showed me all of the choices, I pointed to the one I wanted "aw I like that one too little one" he said.

He then changed me gently and put me in a new onesie to match my diaper "aw you look so adorable princess, how do you feel? Is it comfortable?" He asked me I nodded my head "aw baby are you having trouble speaking? I think you must have gone into baby space" he said I nodded my head " wes daddy " I said "okay baby, now it's dinner time so what do you want daddy to make for you?" He asked

"(Favourite food) pwease" I said "okay baby" he then picked me up and brought me to the kitchen to watch him cook {maybe it won't be so bad...} I thought to myself zoning out.

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this also sorry for not updating but I've been really busy but I've got some good news, I get to sing a solo in the high school musical! I'm so excited :D I can't wait, my teacher offered it to me and she said that she thinks my voice will be perfect for it so I'm so excited!

Have a nice night\day <3

Love - moon 🌙

Bnha/mha x little space reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now