Trans male reader x bakugou *daddy's here to protect you*

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Hello lovely's sorry that the last posts have just been me talking about that girl, I've deleted the parts because I don't want to be reminded of it.
This is my first time writing a trans male reader so hopefully I represent it right, i have a friend that is a trans male and they also goes by he/they so I hope I do this correctly in Horner of him :D        
HE/THEY pronouns sorry to the people with different pronouns.
Y/n's pov

I was in the locker rooms alone changing out of my hero costume. I waited for everyone to leave so I could change without the boys seeing my binder. As I took my shirt off I could hear the door open "hey y/n sir said tha..." I turned around and saw minete standing there "I...uh are you a girl?" Minete asked with a shocked look.

"N-no I'm not and get out!" I said but he walked closer to me "why are you pretending to be a boy? That's weird do you do it to perv on the guys? Can I see your-" before he could say anything else the door was thrown open revealing bakugou "what the fuck did you just say to him?" Bakugou said as he walked into the room with a scowl on his face "u-uh nothing bakugou!" Minete said, he then ran out of the room.

I had already started to feel little from minete harassing me so when bakugou closed the door and it was just us two I started to cry "d-daddy!" I said as I made grabbie hands to him, he ran over to me and He picked me up "shh, shh hey it's okay baby daddy's here now, daddy will protect you" he said as he rubbed circles into my back "b-but he said-d I-I" I tried to speak but daddy shushed me.

"I know sweetie I heard him, don't listen to him he's an idiot and isn't worth your time, it doesn't matter what he thinks because he's just an extra" he said, he then sat down on one of the bench's with me in his lap "how about daddy changes you so I can take you back to my dorm and then I can change you into your little clothes? Does that sound good to you little one?" He asked I nodded my head and added a small "mhm".

He quickly put my school shirt back on me and then picked me up again to take me back to the dorms "but dada what if people se u holdings me?" I said as I grabbed onto his shirt "don't worry baby, daddy will make sure no one sees you while your little" he said.

Bakugou's pov

I quickly ran out of the school building and to the dorms, when I got to the dorms I decided I was going to blast our way up to my balcony "put your hands over your ears baby, daddy's going to make us fly" I said as I waited to see them put their hands over their ears before sending us into the air.

We landed on the balcony and I opened the door, I then sat him on my bed "baby do you want to change into your little clothes? Daddy has some here for you" I said, he nodded his head "okay sweetie, are you having a bit of trouble speaking?" I asked, they nodded again "okay baby daddy will keep that in mind" I said as I walked over to the closet and picked out a onesie and grabbed a paci.

I walked over to them and put the clothes on the bed "here you go baby" I said, I then put the paci in their mouth, I then started to change him and when I was done I put him back on the bed "do you want to have a nap with daddy now, sweetie?" I asked as I put their dirty school clothes in the laundry basket.

I turned back to look at them and they nodded their head "okay baby" I then walked over to them and laid down in bed with him. He shuffled closer to me and hugged me, I put my hand on the back of his head and kissed his forehead "I love you y/n, and you'll always be my precious little boy" I said as I hugged him back.


Hey so I hope this was okay, like I said before I don't really know how to represent trans people correctly, so I hope I did okay with this and if I didn't please let me know what I could improve on :D

Love - moon 🌙

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