Yandere league of villains x reader *be ours* part 2

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Hello lovely's, ask and you shall receive. Also that's a photo of my dog, Rusty 👆 so I hope you like the doggy pic :D
TRIGGER WARNING: kidnaping and obsessive behaviour
PRONOUNS: they/them INCLUDES: stuffies, little clothes, pull-up, paci and sippy.

Y/n's pov

{...what is this? Wait where am I!} I think to myself as I can see my vision is blurry. But for some reason I'm moving back and forth??. I then try to move my hand but it's grabbed by a bigger hand that had a sort of glove on it..? {Oh wait I remember what happened} I think to myself.

"Ah you're awake sweetie, glad to see the drug didn't effect you to much" a voice said, I looked up and it's shigaraki rocking me in a rocking chair. "O-oh..." is all I could say. It's on,y now that I've actually started to wake up that I realised the danger I was in and how I need to get out of here now!

I know it was stupid...but I started thrashing around in his hold "HEY! Stop that now y/n! Don't make me have to puni-" but before he could finish what he was telling me I kinda... bit him... "OW! WHAT THE F*CK!" He then yelled in anger. I rolled out of his hold and ran to the door, but it started to open as I was getting closer to it. As i got close to the door I was met with toga.

"Oh! Hello baby- Hey!" She then yelled as I ran away "don't just stand there we need to get them!" Shigaraki called out to toga "ooo yea you're right! Come back baby!" She then yelled, they were now both running after me. After running for a few minutes I ran into a room to hide, it had all of the lights turned off, but I only knew I was kinda safe when I finally heard the villains run by the room.

I then turned on the light but I was met with someone laying in the bed with big red wings...wait hawks! I then walked over to the bed and shook him awake. "Hawks...hawks! Wake up please you need to help me I've been kidnapped!" I said as I shook him "hu-huh what!?" He then looked at me with a shocked expression "wait...y/n why are you here?" He then asked me with a questioning face "what do you mean! I've been kidnapped! And so have you right?" I asked...but then it hit me.

There's no way he is a hostage for them. He's not tied up, he's in a nice room, has no new bruises...that can only mean one thing..."oh sweetie I haven't been kidnapped, you have" he then said with a smirk as he got out of bed "so you're the..." "traitor? Yep that would be me, now who let you out of your room? I was notified about you coming to become a permanent member of our happy family..." he said with a creepy expression. "Wait...no b-but I trusted you...why would you do this!" I said with an aggressive tone.

"Calm down baby, now I need to get you back to tomura before he kills me...so make this easy for bore of us, won't you?" He asked with a smirk "no!" I yelled as I ran to the door, but his feathers kept it closed and some other feathers grabbed me and dragged me back to him. "Nu! Stop!" I shouted as I struggled against them "hush sweetie. There's no point in fighting, I would beat you even at your strongest" he said, and at that I felt a stab in my heart, ouch, that hurt to hear. "Now let's get you back to the league before they lose their minds" he said, he then walked out the door and went to find them.

Shigaraki's pov

"What if we go back to their room shigy? Maybe they went back there!" Toga said to me with a smile. She was trying to calm me down, but I was freaking out. I lost my little, well they ran away from me...that's even worse! I'm scratching my skin and I think it's going to start bleeding soon. But I just can't stop, not when I'm worried.

"Hey! Toga why'd you let the little out? This baby stumbled into my room, they nearly got away" hearing hawks say that, I turn around quickly and I can see y/n being held in his arms, but their crying. "Aw I'm so glad you're back baby!" Toga then goes to grab them but I stop her, "no...I want to hold them" I say as I look at her with threatening eyes "but I-" "NO" I yell at her, and at that y/n starts crying more "see what you did!" I say to her.

She goes to say something back to me, but hawks stops her "leave it..." he says to her "...okay..." she says. I then start walking back to y/n's nursery, but their still crying and struggling "hey, shh it's okay daddy's got you. Did hawks scare you? I'm sorry baby daddy won't let you near that chicken again" i said patting y/n's head.

But little did he know that the one y/n was most scared of was him.


Shigy pov

When we got back to y/n's room I walked over to their crib and laid them down in it "there you go, daddy just needs to pick out some clothes for you to change into and then I'll be right back, but in the mean time. Here! I got you this stuffie do you like it?" I asked with a smile and handed the little and Care Bears stuffie (your favourite one of course ) I then gave them a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room to get some little clothes and a pull-up.

Dabi's pov

I was out in the kitchen getting some breakfast for myself when I remembered that I hadn't seen my little y/n this morning since we brought them home... {maybe I should go check on my little see how their going} I thought to myself, but then I remembered that they probably haven't eaten yet, so I got them some Angel milk and put it in their favourite sippy, I made my way to their room then.

Once I got their I opened the door and saw them laying in their crib "good morning baby, has no one come to check on you this morning yet?" I asked with a confused look on my face "Nu..they had been hewe" they said to me "ah okay baby, dadas just going to take you out and feed you some Angel milk, if that's okay with you? I even prepared it the way you like it" I said with a smile.

"O-okay" they said, I then lifted them out of the crib, brought them over to the rocking chair and sat them on my lap. I then brought the sippy to their mouth and started feeding them "do you want to hold it baby?" I asked, they then shock their head no, I then continued to feed them, knowing they wanted me too.

"Baby I got your clothes- dabi why are you in here?" I heard tomura ask me as he walked in the door "I'm taking care of the baby..?" I said confused what he meant "oh okay, but I have to change them now are you nearly done feeding them?" He then asked with a more calm tone "yeah just about...done" I said, shigaraki then walked over to me "good, can I change them now?" He asked "yeah here you go" I then handed y/n back to him "I'll be back in a few I just need I eat my breakfast" I said as I walked to the door, I could hear a quick "okay" before exiting the room.

Shigy pov

Once dabi had left the room I walked over to the changing table, I laid y/n down on it and got out the clothes and pull up from the bag I was carrying "okay little one, now daddy's just going to change you so, please don't wriggle around because it will make it harder for daddy" I said looking in their eyes "okie daddy" they said with a smile "that's a good baby, here do you want paci in?" I asked holding out a paci to them, they nodded their head and took it from my hands to place it in their mouth.

Once I was done changing them I looked at the time 3:00 pm "oh it's time for your nap little one, you must be sleepy from all of the exploring you did today" I said with a smile, well they weren't exploring they were trying to escape, but it seems when their in little space their not scared of me and they might have forgotten, so I won't bring it up.

"Wes daddy I sweepy, cans u tuck me ins?" They asked with a smile "of course baby, here" I then lifted them up and put them back into the crib, once I placed them in the crib I put the blankets over them and gave them the stuffie I had given them earlier. "Alright good night baby, sweet dream" I said to them

"Tank u dada"


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this, also this is the last part of this that I will make because I don't want to make another one of this. Anyways have a good day/night

Love - moon 🌙

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