Sero x Reader *needy little one*

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Hello lovely's I hope you all enjoy this :D sorry I haven't updated in a while, but hopefully this makes it up to you guys...
PRONOUNS: they/them
No ones POV:

the last few weeks had been really busy for you and Sero. running around on lots of hero missions, you barely had anytime for each other. that was draining on both of you... but especially you, mainly your little side. both of you knew it, even your friends knew all this stress and running around mustn't be good for little you.

so of course it would come to no ones surprise, that on the morning you woke up after these missions were officially over that you would be in a very deep and needy little space.

y/n's pov:

I yawned as I stretched my body and wriggled around the bed a bit, trying to get the sleepiness to leave my body. I opened my eyes to see the sun peaking through the curtains, meaning it was only early in the morning. my head felt all fuzzy and small... I was in little space. it felt so good to be little again... I missed it.

I turn my head to see sero still fast asleep... not for long. I crawled closer to him and laid my body on top of his with a sigh, I snuggled my face into his chest and my hands clung to the fabric of his shirt.

he grumbled a little bit as he opened his eyes "mmm y/n... it's still so early.. aren't you still tired from the mission?" he hummed and rubbed my head as he yawned, he hadn't realised I was in little space yet. I whined and clung to him more, feeling needy "noooooo... I want dada now..." I said

his eyes widened a bit but then he smiled, he sat up and pulled me to be sitting in his lap and hugged me in his arms "shh... of course baby... I didn't know I was talking to little y/n... how small are you feeling honey?" he asked softly, using his caregiver voice now. I put up 2 fingers, he smiled and patted my head "aw... such a little baby... dada missed you. and dada can tell you missed him too didn't you?" he asked sweetly. I nodded my head and smiled up at him "I missed dada... I wanted to be wittle a lot but I couldn't.. but now I can! can't I dada?" I asked excitedly.

he chuckled a bit and kissed my forehead "of course you can be little... you can be as little as you want baby. daddy is here to take care of you, today is all about my little baby" he said and rocked me in his arms for a bit.

sero's pov:

after sitting and rocking y/n for a few minutes I decided it was time to get up and start our morning. "baby are you ready for dada to make you some yummy breakfast?" I ask softly and rubbed their back. they nodded their head, at that conformation I got up and took them to the kitchen. I tried to put them down on the dinning table but they whined and clung to me.

I chuckled a bit "what's wrong baby? daddy has to make breakfast..." I said. they frown "noooo hold me while you make it..." they said in a needy tone. I smiled and brought them close to my chest again. I then tapped them to my chest so that my hands could be free to make our breakfast "that better?" I ask with a giggle. they nodded their head excitedly. sometimes I would tape y/n to my chested and they always loved it when I did it.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
y/n's pov:

after dada was done making breakfast and had set it all up on the table he untapped me from him and sat down at the table, putting me in his lap. he handed me my sippy cup with (water/milk/juice) in it for me to drink "here baby, have a little to drink" he said softly and rubbed my back, I took a few sips and he smiled "good little one". he then held a fork/spoon of (favourite breakfast) to my mouth, I ate the mouthful "such a good baby" he praised me as we continued on with breakfast.

once we were both done eating he held me in his lap for a while, we just sat in comfort from the presence of one another. "I can tell today is going to be a great day. a day full of taking care of my needy little one" he teased a bit and kissed my nose. I hummed and clung to him more and pushed my face into his chest. he ruffled my hair and whispered in my ear "so needy.... but I wouldn't have it any other way..." he said lovingly, hugging me more.

hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this one :) thanks for all the love and support. have a nice day/night.

love - moon 🌙

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