Yandere werewolf bakugou x reader part 2 *I love you*

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Hello lovely's this is part two hope you guys enjoy, I got motivated to do this because I read the part one in my drafts and was like "I can work with this"
PRONOUNS: they/ them ITEMS: paci, bottle and stuffie WARNINGS: yandere themes, forced feeding?, drugging, stalking and probs more I can't think of
Y/n's pov
I wake up to the sound of fire crackling, and the smell of ( a soup/curry/stir fry) cooking. I slowly open my eyes and try to rub the sleepy sand out of them. Once my eyes adjust to the light I look around and can see that I'm in a fold out crib that's in what looks like to be a lounge room in front of the fire place. I then remembered the events that had happened before I blacked out and start to panic, so I then reach to the top of the crib and as I'm about to climb out I'm stopped by a familiar voice "don't do that sweetheart, I wouldn't want you to get hurt" I then sit back down in the crib in fear of what could happen if I didn't.

I then lift my head to see that it's the tall blond wolf from before and I think his name was...katsuki? "I'm so glad that you woke up just in time for dinner, you must be starving you slept for a whole day!" He said, I felt a bit shocked hearing that { a whole day?? What did he give me when I was in the bath... and what could he have done to me when I wasn't conscious..} I was so stuck in my own train of thought that I didn't even notice that he had brought over a a bowl of food and what looks like to be a bottle?

He put it on a side table next to a big chair and then walked over to my crib, he bent down to pick me up but I moved away from his hands. "Y/n. Don't disobey me, if you do you'll only make things harder for yourself now be a good baby and let daddy pick you up" he said as he went to pick me up, this time me letting him.

{I thought that maybe the crib was a coincidence, and maybe I could let the bottle slide or even that fact that I'm in a fluffy onesie that has bunny ears, which I also just noticed. But him also calling himself daddy... how does this random guy know that I'm a little? Or does he not know and it's a crazy coincidence?} I think to myself still trying to process the situation I'm in right now.

He then sits down i the big chair from before, it's a blood red colour and velvet fabric, and then pulls me to sit in his lap. I started to try to wriggle out of his lap, but then he wraps his arms around me tightly "bunny I told you not to struggle. You know daddy doesn't like it when you put up a fight. Now let daddy take care of everything for you, here I made you some (...)."

He then holds up a spoon/ fork to my mouth, before he can get it too close to my mouth I stop him "wait! Can I just ask you some questions before you...feed me..." I say nervously not wanting to anger him. He takes a deep breath in and out "I guess so sweetheart" he says and puts the utensil back in the bowl. "Well um... why am I here?" I ask looking down at my hands nervously, he then lets out a soft chuckle "why?... well because you and I both needed each other... I watched you, how you would play with your stuffies all by yourself... and try to take care of yourself and I felt like I needed to protect not only because of my wolf instincts but because of my caretaker tendencies. Also I didn't have a little anymore since the other one ran away..."

That last part really caught my attention, so I asked about it "wait ran away? Why would your little run away from you?" I asked fearing the answer. I then saw out of the corner of my eye how he digs his sharp claws into the ark rest of the chair "my last little... he was a little boy named deku, well I gave him that nickname, but i cared for him every day and gave him all a little could want in life but he was ungrateful! And decided he would ran away from me when I was out hunting for us. He left me a note saying he left because I was to controlling of his life, something like that or that I acted like I owned him."

He then took a deep breath trying to compose his anger "but I did own him. I'm was his caretaker, his daddy. In my world that means you're completely mine to control." He the rewrapped his arms around me and moved me into a position so he was holding me like a baby, he then gave me a kiss on the forehead. My heart started to race and I could feel my body shaking. "Shh it's okay bunny I won't let that happen to you, I'll never ever ever let you escape daddy. I learnt from him, I put more locks on the door, put locks on the windows and even put up security cameras everywhere inside and outside the house, so that will never happen. But I don't think you'll ever leave me now would you?"

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