Dabi x reader x hawks *naughty girl*

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Hello Lovely's just wanted to say that I might not be able to update as often because I'm back at school now and honestly after school I'm just really tired and have no energy to write.

SHE/HER sorry to people with other pronouns ):

Also I'm usually really good at maths like I can do complex equations in my head and I never use a calculator. But I can't get this new topic because the teacher is horrible at explaining things and honestly I don't even know how they hired her. What if I can't become an accountant now because my grades start to slip in math? 🥲


Dabi's pov
Today was a really good day, it was our little day with y/n. Hawks and I have one special day of the week where the whole day we promise y/n that she can be little the whole day and not have to worry about us getting work calls or visitors coming by with out notice. We all loved this day, it was a day that I could just care for my baby, what caregiver wouldn't love that?

We made cupcakes, we played at the park and had a picnic and we even did arts and crafts, I think that one was y/n's favourite because she got to make a mess without getting in trouble. As we had finished up dinner though something had changed... y/n's behave.

Present Time also y/n's pov

After dinner had finished dada said it was time for bath time, but I didn't want a bath! I just wanted to go to bed but dada and daddy said I needed to have one because I got dirty from the arts and crafts. "Come on baby it's only a bath, I know your tired but your dirty and one of your rules is that you mush be washed every night before bed" dada said as he picked me up.

"No dada I no want bath.." I said as I grabbed onto his wings "I know baby but I'll make it quick for you" he said. When we got to the bathroom he sat me down on the bench "alright baby do you want to undress for me or do you want dada to do it?" He asked "can dada do it pwease" I said "of course baby" he then took of my clothes, when he turned around to put on the bath, I made a run for it.

I ran out of the bathroom I could  hear dada running after me "dabi catch her! We've got a baby on the run, I repeat baby on the run!" He chased after me, but then daddy grabbed me as I turned the corner "woah there princess, why are you trying to get out of bath time so bad? I thought you liked bath Time you know you get to play with your toys and the bubbles" daddy said as he picked me up and walked back to the bathroom with dada.

"Nuu I no want bath no bath!" I said I was starting to get fussy and more bratty "aw come on baby if you want we can just wash your body and we can wash your hair Tomorrow, yeah?" Dada asked me "NO!" I Said. Daddy started to laughing a bit "I'm glad it's not my night to bath her, she's in a pretty bad mood" said daddy. "Oh no you don't you can help me dabi" said hawk." Well it was worth a try" he said

Hawk's pov

Dabi placed y/n in the bath but she kept moving around making it hard for me to wash her "y/n please sweetie just stay still for a little bit and-" I was cut off by y/n flicking water in my face. She started to giggle and kept splashing more water "y/n! Stop that now you can't splash your dada that's not what good girls do-" dabi tried to say before he was also being splashed.

"I don't think we're ever going to get this done..." I said "yep" said dabi. "Haha dada and daddy wet! You need wash too!" Said y/n, me and dabi both chuckled to that "yes your right baby girl, but after this I hope you now your going in Time out" I said, she then huffed and crossed her arms "still our little brat as always" said dabi "yep she is indeed" I said looking at her still making a mess of the room.

"Wait so...who's going to clean this up?"

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this! Btw I don't have Covid anymore And thank you for 11k reads! I can't believe it!

Love - moon 🌙

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