Aizawa x reader *haunted house*

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Hello lovely's, hope you had a good day/night also btw I will be trying to upload every second day but there will be some breaks I take because October is a very busy month for me I have my step dad's birthday on the 7th I then have mine on the 16th and on the 21st I have my formal and I have exam preparation. Anyways hope you enjoy.
Y/n's pov

Today I was so excited because daddy was taking me to a hunted house! And I've never been to one but have always wanted too! But he had never let me go because he said to would be to scary for me but I'll show him that I'm not afraid of anything!

Still y/n's pov

When we got to the hunted house I was already in little space because I was so excited! As we got ready to go into the hunted house daddy stopped me "little one, are you sure you want to go in? I don't want it to be too scary and possibly make you upset" he said as he rubbed my head gently with a smile. "Mhm! I'm sure I be fine daddy! I'm not afwaid of anything!" I said with a smile, daddy chuckled and held my hand gently "okay little one, let's go in then" he then lead me into the house.

When we walked in it looked a wittle scary... but I put on a brave face and kept going, but then all of a sudden the lights went out. I grabbed onto daddy's shirt as I shivered in fear "hey, hey shh it's okay baby the lights will come back on soon, or do you want to leave? Because if you do that's fine Angel" he said rubbing me back "n-no I'm fwine" I said.

We then tried to walk in the dark but all of a sudden a loud scary scream came out of no wear, I jumped onto daddy and hugged him. "Are you sure you want to stay baby? You seem very scared" he said hugging me back "Nu I fine daddy" I said with a smile, not that daddy could see it on the dark.

We then moved forward and the lights did turn back on, I was happy about that but then we turned the corner and someone dressed as a ghost popped out to scare me. I scream and turned around to push my face into daddy's chest "oh no, baby are you okay?" He asked, he then crouched down and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist as I felt tears in my eyes "n-no I wanna go home..." I said as I cried into his shoulder.

"Oh baby... I'm sorry that scared you so much, I should have known it would be to much for you when your little...when we get home daddy will make it up to you, okay?" He said while rubbed the back of my head "o-okay" I said with a sniffle. He then started to walk to our car, when he got there he put me in the back seat and buckled me in "here baby, maybe (stuffie name) we'll help make you feel a little better, I know stuffie would love to make you feel happy" he then put my stuffie in my lap and then kissed me on the forehead before making his way to the front seat to start driving home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time skip to home and Aizawa's pov

When I pulled into the drive way of our home I looked in the back view mirror and could see that y/n had fallen asleep, I then whispered a "aw" under my breath. I got out of the car, walked over to their door and opened it, I then unbuckled them and carried them gently into the house. Once we were inside I walked up to their bedroom and placed them on their changing table and put them into their favourite onesie.

I then went over to the bed and made it before going back to the changing table and carrying them back to the bed, I then laid them on the bed gently and pulled their blankets over their body and gave them their stuffie before giving them a kiss on the forehead and getting up to leave the room before I felt something pull on my hand "dada stay with mw pwease" they whispered.

I looked back at them and smiled "of course baby" I said in a soft voice. I then climbed into their bed and held them in my arms and kissed their forehead one last time before we both fell asleep.

Hello lovely's, hope you liked this oneshot, have a nice day/night.

Love - moon 🌙

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