Izuku x reader x others part 2 <3

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Hello my lovely's today was a great day! I got to do my Christmas shopping and my mum let me even buy some things for myself i got a really cute cat stuffie, satin pillow cases, a lip gloss and even some strawberry tea!

I hope that you all had/are going to have a good day :)
Y/n's POV

After me and daddy were done with the cookies we sat down and watched some bee and puppycat (if you haven't watched this show you need to it's so cute, you can watch it on YouTube for free) I was going to fall asleep until I heard the door open. I ran to the door and saw it was mommy! "Mommy! I missed you so much come look what me and daddy made" I said as I jumped into her arms, "I'm happy to see you two little one and let's go see what you and daddy made, yeah?" Mommy said as she picked me up and started to walk to the kitchen.

"Oh wow baby you did so good! I'm so proud of you little one" mommy said with a bright smile "daddy helped me too though mommy!" I said pointing to daddy as he walked over "aw thanks sweetie but you did most of the work, and I could never make cookies look as good as you do!" Daddy said as he booped me on the nose, I let out I small giggle as I pushed my face into mommy's neck. "Little one how about you go get ready for the tea party while me and daddy talk" mommy said with a soft smile. "Okay mommy!" I said as I ran of to my room to get ready.

Time skip to being ready because I don't like telling people what their going to wear 💕

After I was done getting ready I heard mommy and daddy call for me "y/n Tsu and momo are here!" I heard them both say, I ran downstairs because I was so excited to see Tsu and momo. When I got down stairs I saw Tsu wearing a lovely blue dress with a bow on the back, and momo was wearing a long elegant purple dress. "Woah you both look so pretty!" I said as I hugged tsu amd momo "thank you y/n and you look so adorable today!" Tsu said as she hugged me back "yes y/n it feels like you get cuter and cuter each day" momo said as she pated me on the head.

"Alright guys are you all ready for our tea party to start "daddy said as he sat down at the table "yes!" Me and Tsu said in an excited tone, "good because I can't wait to try these delicious cookies!" Daddy said as he picked up one and took a bite out of it. Me and Tsu both picked up a cookie we liked and took a bite out of it "mmm these taste so good y/n! Did you make these?" Tsu said, "yes me and daddy made them!" I said with a smile.

"Tsu maybe we should bake something together next time! Like what if we made a mushroom cake with fairy's on it!" I. Said to Tsu "I would love to do that with you y/n! But will mommy let me?" Tsu said looking at momo "I don't see why not! Well what do you think uraraka and izuku? We can do it at my house if you agree" momo said with a kind smile looking to my caregivers "of course they can! I just want to see my little one happy" daddy said with a smile "yes me too dear" mommy said as she looked to me.

"Aw sweetie you have some crumbs on your face, here let mommy get it for you" mommy said as she reached over with a napkin to whip my face with. "Thank you mommy I didn't even notice!" I said with an embarrassed face. "It's fine little one but now that you and Tsu are done how about you go upstairs and play together so us caregivers can have a big conversation and you little ones can play". Mommy said with a kind smile.

"Okay mommy and daddy!" I said as I got up out of my chair "come on Tsu I'll show you all of my stuffies and we can play whatever game you want!" I said as I gently grabbed tsu's hand "okay y/n!" Tsu said as she got up and followed me upstairs.

"Aren't our little ones just the cutest things?" Said izuku "yes their just so precious aren't they uraraka?" Said momo "ah yes I love my little one so much and I'm glad that our little ones are best friends" Uraraka said with a smile "me too uraraka, me too" said momo.

Hello lovely's! Sorry this took a few days but here it is and I hope it's as good as you hoped it would be.

Also I would like to says a big thank you for over 800 reads! It means so much to me <3

Love - moon 🌙

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