Izuku x reader * oh no little one! *

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Hello my lovely's today was a good day it was my last day of school! So now I have a 8 week holiday so I will hopefully be able to update more often. 🤍
Also TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ there will be blood mentioned

Y/n's POV

It was a really nice day outside so I decided that maybe I should go skating outside in our backyard, I had been working on my skating skills lately so hopefully this will help me get better! I think to myself as I grabbed my skates " what are you up to little one, are you going to go skating outside?" Daddy asked me "yeah! I'm going to work on my skating skills!" I said in an excited voice.

"Okay little one that sounds fun, but remember to be careful because daddy doesn't want his little baby to get hurt" daddy said saying the last few words in a baby voice. "I will be fine daddy! You know I'm strong!"  I said in a 'tough' voice. "Alright little one but still remember to put your knee pads on!" He said to me as I walked outside. "Don't worry I will daddy!"

When I got outside I went to sit down on a chair so I could put my skates on...but I forgot to put my knee pads on. But I mean who needs those! Not me! I think to myself as I start to skating around the deck we had, it was big so it was perfect for me to practice with!

As I was starting to get more confident I made the mistake of trying to do a trick... I fell over and scraped my knee I could tell by the feeling I looked down and saw it was bleeding, now usually I would have just walked it of but since I was in little space I just started to cry and call out for my daddy because it felt really painful!

Izuku's POV

I was sitting in my chair near the window reading a book peacefully until I heard screams coming from my little one "daddy! Daddy! Help I fell over and my knees bleeding! Daddy!" I ran over to the backyard door and opened it I saw my little one crying on the floor with their knee bleeding a little bit "oh no little one! What happened? Here let daddy make it feel better" I said as I picked them up "aw my poor baby I'm sorry daddy wasn't watching you to make sure you were safe" I said

Y/n's POV

Daddy walked inside holding me and turned to the bathroom to get me cleaned up. "I'm sorry d-daddy that I hurt myself" I said as I hiccuped from my tears "shh it's okay little one daddy's here to make it all better and it's not your fault sweetie" he said as he put me on the bathroom counter and pulled out the first aid kit

"But it is daddy I didn't put my knee pads on!" I said as I started to cry more feeling guilty "aw sweetie I told you to put on your knee pads but I guess this is a good thing as well because what did we learn from this?" Daddy said to me smiling looking at my face "don't go skating without knee pads or else you'll get hurt?" I said looking at him.

"That's right little one, now hmm let's see what I should do to bandage this up..?"


Hello my lovely's I hope you liked this and also remember to take safety precautions when doing things that could hurt you!

Love - moon 🌙

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