bakusquad x reader x bakugou

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I just went back and read my other chapters and holy shit why is my grammar so bad??? Also I'm on phone so I get auto correct so that's why most of the mistakes are there.

Anyways so basically bakugou leaves his precious little to be look after by the idiots will he regret it... maybe 🤷‍♀️

Bakugous POV

I really didn't want it to come to this but... in hard time you must take drastic measures, like leave my little y/n with Mina, sero, Kirishima and denki... will they come back in one piece...maybe. I think to myself as I pack my bag dredging the moment coming closer and closer each second.

I have to leave them with those idiots because my old hag is making me come to dinner with stupid Deku and said MY partner couldn't come?!? I was really mad at that but whatever I'll just put her in a nursing home when she's old and going to die . I think to myself until I hear them...

"Hey! Bakubro! Where's the little one?" Kirishima said "up in their room Shittyhair and you listen here you idiots if I come back and they have one scratch, one bruise on their body or even worse if their crying I will kill you all!" I yelled at them "whoa Kacchan you need to calm down and don't worry I'm great with kids!" Denki said to me "yeah right idiot you couldn't take care of a gold fish let alone a kid and y/n isn't exactly a kid ya know?" I said with a frown on my face. Then I hear a voice call for me from upstairs.

"Daddy! Daddy! Come help me there's a spider!! It's coming closer!! AAA" I hear y/n yell as I run up the stairs to help them. When I get into the room I see a tiny spider the size of a lady bug "'s just a little one it won't hurt you it probably just wanted to say hi like Shinso's cat does in the morning" I said as I picked up the little spider and put it out the window.

"Thank you daddy! You saved my from the scary spider! And I know it's small but I don't like spiders, and don't compare it to pumpkin! Pumpkin is cute and fluffy that thing is not!" They said to me annoyed "okay what ever you say sweetheart, now daddy has to go now but daddy has got sero, kirishima, Mina, and denki to look after you while I'm gone, okay?" I said.

"No daddy! I don't want you to leave, I want to cuddle! Please!" They said to me with tears in their eyes...god they really know how to pull at my heart strings. "Okay little one daddy's going to give you a nice big hug with a kiss and then he has to go okay?" I said "okay daddy! I love you so much!" They said to me as they jumped into my arms and wrapped their legs around my torso, I then leaned down and gave them a kiss on the forehead. "All right little one now daddy has to go okay?" I said "okay bye daddy I love you and I will be good!"

I walked down stairs and said "you better keep them safe but also tell me if their being a brat because I will punish them but if they are acting out just give them a time out okay?" I said "okay bakugou! And don't worry we'll have so much fun with them I'm going to do their hair!" Mina said as she smiled brightly."okay idiots, bye" I said as I opened the door and I heard them all say bye back to me.

Kirishima's POV

As bakugou left we all looked at each other and smiled "we'll show him how good we can be with kids, right guys!" I said with a smile "yeah! We'll make y/n the happiest little ever! And he will want us to babysit them every time he has something to do!" Said denki as he lifted his hand into the air with excitement.

"All right let's go!" I said as we turned around to go up the stairs I saw the top of some (h/c) hair poking out from around the corner. "Oh hi little one there you ar-" I said before they ran away with a small giggle. "Oh so we're playing hide and seek now?" I heard sero say "yeah I guess man" Denki said with a small laugh. "Well, what are we waiting for we can't let them have that much of a head start!" Mina said with a cheeky grin.

Y/n's POV

When I saw that kiri saw me I ran away to go hide behind the couch with my stuffies and blanket daddy gave me for my birthday. Then I heard them talking for a little bit before they started to walk around the house and I heard denki say "oh little one! Where have you gone? I have some lollies for you if you come out!" I really want the lollies but I know their just trying to trick me!

I stay quiet and Mina says "aw please y/n come out! I want to do your hair and play dress up with you!" Mina says in a cheerful voice and sero adds "yeah and we can even watch your favourite movies, and eat (f/f)!" Sero says and I think about it for a bit until...oh no I need to sneeze! I feel it coming and if I do they will find me!

One, two, three... "(sound you make when you sneeze 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)! " oh no!! "Found you little one!" I look up and denki is looking down at me with a big smile. "Aw don't be sad Angel we have other games we can play!" Kiri says with a small smile.. "okay! Kiri can we watch (f/m)! While Mina does my hair!" I said with a big smile. "Of course we can y/n!" Mina says with a smile.

"Angel do you want me to carry you?" Sero says with a smile "yes please!" I say with a smile. "Aw okay come here" Sero says as he picks me up and sits me on his hip and walks up the stairs to my room with the others following close behind. When we get upstairs to my room sero sits me down in front of the tv and Mina sits behind me "what would you like me to do with your hair baby?" Mina says with a tender voice "can you do (hair style)?" I says with a smile "yes of course I can lovely!" Mina says as she starts brushing my hair.

"So how about I put on that movie now little one?" Kiri says with a smile on his face "yes please Kiri" I said "okay sounds good and you're such a good little for using your manners" Kiri says as he put the movie on. "Hey! Y/n look what the best babysitter got you your favourite snacks!" Denki says as he sits down beside me and hands me it. "Thank you denki!" I say with a smile as I start to relax and we all pay attention to the movie.

Time skip and now it's bakugou's POV

As I open the door to our house I can hear a movie playing from y/n's room upstairs, I put m bag down on the table and I walk upstairs to y/n's room and I knocked on the door to see if I could get a answer ...nothing so I open the door and I see my little one asleep on the floor cuddling their stuffie with the blanket I gave them draped over their relaxed body, I let a small smile sit on my lips at the cute site.

...and then I see the idiots also spread out across the floor with random pillows and blankets, I let out a small chuckle before I walk over to the tv remote and turn of the tv before I turned around and picked up my sleeping little and brought them to my room and placed them gently onto the bed and closed the door before me. I got into some sleep wear before getting into bed and bringing my little one closer to me and resting their head on my chest before whispering "I love you little one and maybe...those idiots aren't as bad at babysitting as I thought they would be.." I say to my self with a small smile.

I kissed y/n's forehead before I start to drift of into sleep.


Thank you for reading and also just wanted to say thank you to the lovely people that have been following me and voting for my stories :) it makes me happy to see that people like my work!

Also I might go through my older stories soon to fix's some spelling mistakes I made, so if you get a notification for that just ignore it <3

Love - moon 🌙

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