Izuku x reader

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Hello everyone! I just had a small Break because its nearly the end of my school year so a lot is kinda going on.
But I still made time to make a chapter because I love writing these and I don't want to let anyone down.

Also if you know the characters In the photo above, I love you, and if you don't then you need to play this game! It's called animal restaurant and it's free to down load and it's so cute. If I'm having a bad day I just sit down and play that for a bit and it makes me feel better! Anyways back onto the chapter!

Y/n's POV

I'm so excited for today because daddy said we're going to make cookies for our afternoon tea party! And this time we get to decorate them as characters from one of our favourite games!
I start to put on my apron and tie up my hair/put a hair net on so no hair gets into the batter, daddy did the same thing.

"Okay little one are we ready to make some delicious cookies!" "Yeah!" I said as I put my hands in the air to show my excitement "okay then let's do this!" Daddy said as he moved to grab the ingredients. We started to put everything in and it was coming along well, daddy also let me put in my favourite flavouring to the dough.
We started to role out the cookie dough and cut out the shapes of our cookies, daddy Evan had to cut some out with a knife! Because we didn't have the right shaped cookie cutter.

Time skip to when the cookies were done

"Wow bunny look at how good they look!" Daddy said as he pulled them out of the oven "yeah I'm so excited that they turned out this good but, they'll look even better when we have decorated them!" "That's right baby" daddy said as he stated to make the royal icing, and we had to make like a million different colours!

"Alright little one are you ready to start icing them?" Daddy Said in an excited voice "yep!" I said as I grabbed a cookie and started icing it. It was calming just getting to sit down and ice cookies with my daddy, no one to interrupted us, and it was a nice day as well the birds were singing lovely tunes and the sun was shining on our house, the clouds moved slowly in the sky making different shapes, It was amazing.

After about an hour of icing me and daddy were done! "Aw baby bunny yours look so cute and neat" "thank you daddy yours look really pretty as well" I said with a smile. "Daddy I can't wait to have these at the tea party with tsu, momo and mommy!" I said with a smile on my face "I know little one mommy will be proud of you for doing such a good job" daddy said as he gave me a hug. Now all we have to do is wait for them to get here!


Btw uraraka is "mommy".
Sorry that it's short but I'm really sleepy so I'm going to go to bed but I will try to make a part 2 as soon as possible.

Love - moon 🌙

Bnha/mha x little space reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now