Yandere League of villains x reader *be ours*

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Hello lovely's, even though I said league of villains it's just toga, dabi and shigy. Anyways hope you guys had a good day/night. I have an English test tomorrow so I'm pretty nervous for that, but I think I'll pass.

TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️: kidnaping and drugging PRONOUNS: they/them INCLUDES: pull-ups, paci, stuffie and little clothes.

Togas pov

"Shigy! Shigy! Guess what?! Y/n just got off their work!" I said running into tomura's room "really? That's weird they usually finish in 2 hours from now..." he said, he then paused his game to turn in his chair and look at me. "Did they leave early because they got hurt?" He asked in a worried tone "no, they got off early because they were slipping into little space" I said with a big grin.

"Oh?... really, well then that works out better for us then...it would be easier to kidnap someone that's in the mindset of a child compared to a pro hero mindset...tell dabi to get the car ready" he said, he had a big smirk on his face "okay! I'll go tel-"

"No need to tell me, I was here listening...and what age mindset are they in?" Dabi said as he interrupted me "I think their of the age from 2-1! So their very little today! They even put on a pull-up!" I said with a smile. Dabi showed a grin. "Perfect, I love it when their really little, alright now let's get going" he said with a grin. We all followed him out to the car. I sat in the back while shigaraki and dabi were in the front. I made sure to put a blankie and stuffie in the car for the ride home with y/n just in case they needed something to hold onto.

Y/n's pov

{I can't believe I couldn't control myself...I used to be able to control when I slip or at least hold it back until I got home but today I just couldn't... I even ended up speaking to denki in a baby voice! That's so embarrassing 😖} I thought to myself as I got some juice out of the fridge. I then walked back to my playroom trying to get that memory out of my mind...I just hope he doesn't remember that...

I put on a movie while I played with my toys. It was pretty late at night 11pm, so no wonder I felt so sleepy, I put down my stuffies that I was playing with and moved over so I was laying in my beanbag. I had my blankie wrapped around me and I had my favourite paci in, I was about to fall asleep but then I could hear some noises coming from the other side of the house. I ignored it, I mean I am really sleepy it's probably just my mind playing tricks on me...right?

"Wait which way is their play room again toga?"... {oh my god...who is in my house! And toga...as in the villain toga?!?} I thought to myself as I started to panic. I need to get out of here fast!...why won't my body move!

It seems I was so scared that I had went into a state of shock, I couldn't close my eyes or move any part of my body...I can't do anything... "oh here it is!" "Shhh! Toga don't be so loud if their sleeping you'll wake them up!"  "Sorry Shigy"

I could then here the door to the room I was in open "Aw they were watching their favourite movie, their they are!" And as I thought, it was toga standing at the doorway now moving towards me, but shigaraki and dabi were also with her...even if I could move to fight them I don't think I would have been able to beat them.

"Oh no! Guys their having a freak out!" Toga said to the two men and they both rushed to my side "hey it's okay little one we're not going to hurt you" shigaraki said "no we wouldn't do that to you, now breathe in threw your nose and out threw your mouth" Dabi then said to me, and I don't now why but I listened to him. "Good baby, such a good little one" he coed to me.

"Aw their already being such a good baby for us!" Toga said to Shigy "yes well, I mean it is in a littles nature to be more obedient...unless their a brat, but I don't think this one would be a brat, you're a good little aren't you sweetheart?" He then turned to look at me. I felt so scared I just nodded to what he said, I didn't want to know what he could do to me if I had not responded "see? Already so well behaved" he said

"Alright can we stop talking here and go home already? I want to bring them home and get them settled in as soon as possible" Dabi then said "okay okay! But I get to carry them!" Toga then went to grab me. But then shigy grabed her hand (not with all of his fingers of course) "no dabi can carry them and sit in the back with them. If they have another freak out he'll be able to comfort them" shigaraki said to her, she turned and huffed "alright...fine" she said.

Dabi then moved to me and picked me up by the waist, i was already started to have another breakdown because of this and I started to cry now that I had more control over my body. He sat me of his hip and bounced me for a second "hey, hey. Its okay daddy's here to help you little one, just play with this, it'll help make you feel better" he then handed me a small plushy bunny, it was really cute and it was a light yellow and had a leaf in its hand.

But it did make me wonder why someone like him would own something so cutesy, and as if he had read my mind he added "I got it for you, I thought you might like it" he said, he was patting my back as we walked to the car. He sat me in a car seat and buckled it up for me, he put a blankie over me to keep me warm and handed me a lamb stuffie that was already in the car.

"Alright and soon you'll be at your new home, are you excited little one!" Toga asked me...{I mean what was I meant to say? I mean not particularly you did kinda just kidnap me by force...} I thought to myself "their not very talkative right now toga, I think it's time for our baby to go to sleep but don't worry, you'll have lots of time to talk to them in the morning once they've woken up" shigaraki then said to toga "aw...okay goodnight baby! I can't wait to play with you tomorrow!" She then said and she moved around so she could kiss me on the forehead, but while she did that I could feel something be stabbed into my arm.

"Dabi!?" Toga exclaimed "What? I know they wouldn't be able to hurt us but we need to make sure they sleep, don't worry it won't hurt the baby" Dabi said "Yes toga calm down remember I told him to do it while we drove here?" shigaraki asked "Ohhh...yeah, sorry..." she then said. I then blacked out and couldn't hear anything...


Hello lovely's, I hope you liked this also, do you guys think I should do a part two? ALSO shigy, dabi and toga are NOT together in this. This is not a ship, okay? Anyways have a nice day/night 💕

Love - moon 🌙

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