Deku x reader *it's okay baby*

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Hello lovely's, this is my third last request, I hope you like it and also thank you for 14k reads (: also I've got a lot of test coming up and I'm really stressed so don't be surprised if I don't update for like a week.
Y/n's pov

I had just finished lunch and daddy said that he needed to go do some paper work for a little bit, so he put me in my playroom to play while he does adult work. I put on a movie to have in the background and then I picked out some toys to play with, I was playing with them until I heard I knock on the door.

Deku's pov

When I had sat down to do my work I got about five minutes into doing it before my agency called to say that it actually didn't need to be done till next week {oh that's good I can go spend more time with y/n!} I thought to myself. I walked out of my office and down to their playroom, I knocked on their door "come in daddy!" I heard them say, I walked in but noticed that they were sitting in a puddle...oh no

"Baby, did you spill a drink?" I asked "nu daddy, wat are u..." they paused when they realised what I was talking about. "Oh no baby, did you have a little accident?" I asked as I walked over to them, they started to cry "I-I'm sowwy daddy I-I didn't" they started to cry harder "aw baby it's okay your only little, daddy should have been more responsible and put a pull up on you" I said.

I then picked them up and sat them on my hip "it's okay! Daddy will just change you and it'll all be okay" I said "but what about the rug..." they asked "don't worry daddy knows how to clean it so don't worry your pretty little head" I said as I booped their nose, I then walked to their bedroom and sat them on the changing table, I then walked over to the closet and got out a pull-up, onesie and a paci.

I walked back over to them, I put the paci in their mouth before I started to change them. When I was done I gave them their favourite stuffie to hold "you were so good little one!" I said as I gave them I kiss on the forehead "daddy can I pwease have some angel milk" they asked with puppy eyes "of course baby" I said.

I picked them up and then walked them to the kitchen, I sat them on the counter and made the milk. I put it in a baby bottle because I could tell they were pretty little "here you go baby" I said as I gave it to them "tank you daddy" they said as they took it and started to drink it, I picked them up and brought them back to their bedroom. "Baby I think you should take a little nap you seem pretty sleepy" I said as I placed them on the bed.

"Nu daddy I not sleepy" they said and then they yawned "sure your not sweetie, come on under the blankets you go!" I said as I pulled all of the blankets over them, they then giggled a bit "are you done with your bottle now baby?" I asked "yes daddy tank you for the milk" they say "it's okay baby but you really do need a nap, okay?" I asked "okay...fine daddy" they said "thank you sweetie" I said

I put the pacifier back in their mouth and then gave them one last kiss on the fore head before I walked out. {now I just have to clean up the mess...I lied I don't know how to clean rugs} I thought to my self and as I went to my office to buy a new rug.


Hello Lovely's I hope you liked this also just wanted to say that I'm not motivated at all and I might quit.

Love -  moon 🌙

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