Sero x reader *not now little one*

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Hello lovely's, it's been awhile hasn't it? I'm so sorry about my absence but I need to focus on my family, school and work. But now I'm on school holidays for 8 weeks! I'll still be working but hopefully I'll be able to update more but I make no promises...Because I can loss motivation easily, anyways enjoy :)
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: blankie and stuffie
Y/n's pov

"Daddy?...daddy! Where are u! I wans cuddle" I say as I walk down the hallway looking for daddy. "Oh, hello little one! I'm sorry but your daddy is in a very important meeting right now, so I'll be here to take care of you instead" a tall woman says coming out of a room "b-but..I wan dada" I saw with a frown "oh sweetie I know but he's busy, and it'll be over soon so don't worry. How about I go make you a snack? You must be hungry after playing for so long" she says with a comforting smile.

"O-okay" I say "good, now take my hand and we'll go to the kitchen, okay?" She says as she holds out her hand to me, I take it and she leads me to the kitchen. "Okay now just sit here and I'll be right back!" She says with a smile, she then goes into the pantry to look for snacks. I sit for a little bit waiting but then I get an idea...

"Sorry that took a while your pantry is really big! Anyways how about- y/n? where did they go?"

Sero's pov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat at my desk with my laptop in front of me, I was in a very important call about some villains that had escaped prison, well that's what we were meant to be talking about, but...

"Alright so then when he least expected it...BOOM! I shocked him with 1 million volts! He looked so scared he-"

"Denki, dude. We get it but this is really important, and so not manly of you to show off... I haven't had a good villain fight in so long..." Kirishima said, with a sad look on his face.

"Okay now listen up! We-" after that was said my attention was taken away from the call but redirected to the sound of my office door being opened. {who could it be? I told everyone that I was in a very important meeting and not to disturb me}I think to myself. It's y/n.

"Daddy! Daddy! Why u put me with tat lady? I wans u to twake cawe of me" they said as they walked in the room with a stuffie in hand and a blanket wrapped around them "um dude who was that?" Denki asked me "uh well it was- uh" I paused trying to think of what to say. "Omg is that y/n! Omg hey!" Mina screamed into the microphone on her headphones. I looked at y/n with a stern face, I then put myself on mute "sweetie daddy's in a important meeting, I'm sorry but I'll be with you a bit later okay?" I said to them.

But then I could see tears form in their eyes "Nu! dada...I-I wans u! I-I Nu wan her d-daddy!" They then sat on the floor crying "Sero is something wrong?" Bakugou asked me. I then put my mic back on "guys sorry to cut it short but I've got something going on right now...I'll talk to you later bye!" I said "wait sero!" I could hear someone yell out but I already closed my laptop screen. I then got up and walked to y/n "my poor baby, I'm sorry I know you don't like being away from daddy but sometimes he has to do important work" I said, I then picked them up and sat them on my hip.

They pushed their face into my chest and cried into it "there, there. Let's go lay down now baby, you must need a nap time" I said and as I was walking to leave my office I was met with a very nervous looking babysitter "sir, I'm really sorry but I can't find- y/n??" She said shocked as she looked at the little in my arms "no need to worry their fine, they just really missed me" I said with a small smile "I'm really sorry sir I didn't mean to let them wonder off I just-" I stoped her "no, it's okay I'm not mad." I said to her, she then relaxed her face.

"Now me and y/n are going to have a lay down, I think you should relax a bit too after the fear you probably felt then" I said, she only nodded her head as I left.

Y/n's pov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When daddy got to the room he put me down on the bed gently, and then leaned down and gave me a kiss on the forehead "now sweetie I'll just get changed into some comfy clothes and then we can cuddle, okay?" He asked me with a soft smile "okay daddy" I said as I brought the stuffie close to my chest.

When daddy was down he then got in the bed and pulled me close to him, then wrapped his arms around me "I love you so much my little one, you mean the whole world to me, okay?" He said to me "I know dada, I lov u too. I happy that u my daddy" I said with a smile as I kissed his cheek. "Me too sweetie, me too"


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this! Also I would just like to say a massive thank you to 106k WHAT??? And we now have over 2k votes. I'm in shock like I'm so thankful to have you all, and I feel so happy to know that you guys like this book. So thank you and have a good night/day

Love - moon 🌙

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