Iida x reader *cuddles with daddy*

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Hello lovely's I just wanted to state that the people that sent me ideas I'll do yours last because you did say it as a request, sorry ):
Also this is my first HE/HIM chapter :D sorry to the girls and themes and whatever else you identify as.
Also I literally sat and watched howl's moving castle again because the person the requested this asked for them to be watching howl's moving castle.
No ones pov

It was a Friday night and it might be like any other night for other people but not for iida and his little, it was movie night. A night when y/n can feel safe to regress and not be interrupted by anyone. Iida was on his way home from his shift at the agency when he saw a small toy and snack shop.

Iida's pov

I was walking home from work when I saw a small toy and snack shop {I should go buy something for y/n, he's been good lately and I think he would enjoy a little surprise} I thought to myself as I went into the store, I picked up e few of his favourite snacks and also picked up a new stuffie for him. After buying the items I continued walking back home.

When I got to the door I could see y/n running up to it to open it for me "hello daddy! How was work? I already made some popcorn for us!" He said with a smile "that's good to hear little one, today was good but daddy got a surprise for you while he was out" I said as I walked inside "oooo what is it?" He asked "I'll show you when we're ready to watch the movie" I said

After we set up everything I walked over to the couch and sat down "come sit here baby" I said as I pat next to me "I have a little present for you because you've been doing so good with your hero work and I'm also just proud of you in general" I said as I pulled out a stuffie (just imagine a stuffie that you wanted or maybe your favourite stuffie) my baby smiled at me and hugged me "thank u daddy I love it" he said.

"I'm glad to hear that, would you like to sit in my lap and we cuddle baby?" I asked "yes pwease daddy" he said with a smile. When he said that I moved him to be sitting on my lap and his head to be resting on my shoulder. I was sitting on the couch in a position that he could still see the tv while we were cuddling.

Y/n's pov

I felt calm, safe, loved and cared for with daddy. When me and daddy first meet we were just class mates, but then we slowly became more then that, we started dating but at that time I still hadn't told him that I was a little. I was scared that he would leave more or not except me. But when I told him he said that he didn't care and still loved me, he told me there was nothing wrong with being a little. Then one day he asked to be my caregiver, I felt like I was on cloud 9 just knowing that someone cared for me so much.

I was lost in my thoughts before I was brought back to reality "hey baby are you spacing out? I just wanted to know what movie you wanted to watch?" He asked with a smile "can we please watch howl's moving castle?" I asked "of course little one, I really like that movie as well" he said as he put the movie on.

We cuddled throughout the movie, it was nice daddy rubbed my back soothingly and would randomly give me forehead kisses. I didn't even noticed that the movie had ended because I was starting to fall asleep "aw are you falling asleep angel?" Daddy asked "yea I'm a wittle sweepy" I said with a yawn "okay then how about I put you down for bad, yeah?" He asked "yes pwease"

He picked me up and rested me on his hip, he first did all the important night time things like getting me to go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face, he then walked to my bedroom and laid me down on my bed. He pulled the blankets over me and gave me my new stuffie to hold "do you have all you need now to go to bed?" "Yes daddy" I said "alright good night baby, sweet dreams" he said "u too daddy" I said as I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep

Hello's lovely's I hope you liked this story also I can't believe we're almost at 10k reads! Thank you all so much (:

Love - moon 🌙

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