Iida x reader + deku squad "little in class"

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Hello lovely's this is basically the deku squad version of the last post, but it's obviously a bit different. Also just wanted to say thanks for all the love and support, but I'll probably be away for a while because of stress from school.
Y/n's pov

We had just gotten back from training and I noticed that when I got back to the class room to change in with uraraka and tsu I started to feel little, like taking my hero costume off was a bit hard and when I had gotten back into my uniform I had trouble doing up the buttons. I then tried to do my shoe laces but I couldn't seem to get them right.

"Oh here y/n I'll help you with that!" Uraraka said with a smile as she bent down to tie up my laces "tank you" I said with a giggle at the end "aww y/n did you slip into little space?" Tsu asked "I thinks I did" I said. Uraraka then stood up "then let's go take you to your daddy, Would you like that little one?" Uraraka asked with a smile "yay daddy!" I said as I jumped up and down.

"Okay let's go find iida!" Tsu said she then turned to leave and so did uraraka but I stoped them "uhm I'm having a wittle truble walking can ones of you cawwy me?" I asked looking down at my feet "Aw why didn't you say sooner angel? Of course I can" Uraraka said, she then picked me up and we started to walk to where the boys would be. "Oh wait I remember! Iida, todoroki and deku are at iida's dorm studying! Let's go" Tsu said.

Time skip to when you got there.

When we got there uraraka put me down "do you want to knock on the door, Angel?" Uraraka asked "okie!" I said I then knocked on the door "come in!" I heard daddy say.

Iida's pov

I was studying with midoriya and todoroki before we heard a knock on the door "come in!" I said. Y/n then ran into the room and jumped onto me "daddy! I accidentally slipped I'm sowwy" they said as they hugged me "it's okay baby" I looked up to uraraka and Tsu "thanks for taking care of them while I wasn't there" I said to them "no it's fine! We love little y/n" Tsu said.

"Aw y/n slipped? I missed little y/n" midoriya said "hmmm yes, it is quite calming colouring with them" todoroki said "dada can we play dress up I no wants to work" y/n said into my chest "well baby it depends if our friends want to play dress up as well, would you guys be fine to do that?" I asked "oh of course!" Tsu said "yeah we can study later after we put y/n to bed" midoriya said "I wouldn't mind playing dress up!" Said uraraka "as long as you don't make me the princess again" todoroki said with a frown "but you made a pretty princess" said midoriya.

Y/n's pov

"Nu it's okie todo can be the wizard, izu can be the kight, uraraka and Tsu can be the princesses, daddy can be the king and I'll be the big scawy dragon!" I said "okay!" They all said "rawr! RAWR! I big scawy dragon!" I said and I started to chase them around the room "Oh no! Someone help me!" Uraraka Said "I'll protect you princess uraraka with my magic!" Todoroki said as he got in front of me to protect her "and I'll protect princess Tsu and the king!" Izu said.

We had been playing that game for so long that we lost track of time "omg guys! It's dinner time now! We've been playing this for like 3 hours!" Uraraka said "oh yeah your right" todoroki said "let's get dinner and then we can keep playing this, does that sound good to you y/n?" Asked izu "yay!" I said "okay you all get going now. Me and y/n will meet you down there in a few minutes I just need to help them change out of their costume" daddy said, me and him waved them good bye.

"Here baby, do you need daddy to help you take off the dragon onesie?" Daddy asked "yes please daddy, do you think maybe one day I'll be able to tell evewyone in our class that I'm a wittle so I can dress smole around them?" I asked daddy "yes of course baby, we can tell them when ever you feel ready." Daddy said "I love you daddy"

"I love you too little one"

Sorry this isn't that good, hope you still like it also thanks for 27k reads <3

Love - moon 🌙

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