Bakugou x reader *you need this baby*

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Hello lovely's I hope you had a good week ☺️ mine was...okay, I've got a lot of school work to do though! That's why I didn't update sooner, I was busy with school, study, tutoring, music lessons and the school play. Also I'll put out a post soon with the dates I can't update on. INCLUDES: bottle, diapers and onesie PRONOUNS: she/her
Bakugou's pov

Me and y/n are sitting at the dining table having dinner. This was probably one of the only times we get to spend together now. We've both been so busy with hero work, it feels like we never get time to ourselves anymore. As I was taking my third bite of food, it crossed my mind that y/n hasn't regressed in over a month. {wait has it really been that long? No. It can't be, she would be very stressed if she hasn't been regressing} I thought to myself.

{wait...f*ck, it has been a month.} I though. I then started to feel really guilty for it, I mean I'm her caregiver! I'm supposed to help my baby and I haven't been doing that. I then looked up to y/n. She looked so tired and a little bit sad. But I then had an idea...

"What are you doing katsuki?" She asked me. I had moved to beside her, I took her knife and fork from her "I just wanted to feed you baby, is that so wrong of me?" I asked. I sat down in the chair beside her and pulled it so it was facing her "no...but I can feed myself..." she said, I then tilted her head with my hand gently "what do you mean baby? Your to small for that only big girl feed themselves" I said

Before she could say anything else I raised the fork to her mouth "say ah" she looked away from me "Aw c'mon sweetie, do it for dada?" I asked with a smile, she then looked back at me "ah" she opened her moth and ate the food. "Good girl, your such a good girl, can you have another bite?" I asked, she then turned to me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh baby, what's wrong did you burn your moth or-" before I could finish she hoped onto my lap and started to cry into my shoulder "dada, i stwess" she cried "I know baby, I know. I'm sorry dada didn't help you sooner" I said as I pat her back. I started to rock her back and forth with me "hey, let's go change you out of those big girl clothes, okay?" I looked down and she nodded at me. I carried her bridle style to our bedroom.

I laid her down on the bed. "Okay bubs, how old is papa's little baby?" I asked as I tickled her, she giggled and held up 1 finger "aw your so tiny, princess" I said. As I went to walk away to get a onesie and diaper y/n's voice interrupted me "paci" I turned and she was making grabbie hands to her paci draw "it's okay papa will get you a paci" I walked over to the draw and picked up y/n's comfort paci.

"Here baby" I said as I placed it in her mouth gently, I then walked over to the closet and got out a diaper and onesie, I picked out y/n's Favourite onesie. I then walked back over to her and changed her. Once I was done I picked her back up "okay baby, do you want to play with your stuffies with papa?" I asked, she then nodded her head excitedly.

I walked into her play room and set her down in the floor. I pulled out her box of stuffies, she pulled out her favourite ones and started to play with them. I sat in front of her and pulled out a stuffie to play with her with. We played for a while, I noticed y/n was starting to fall asleep "Aw is my little baby sleepy?"  I asked. She then rubbed her eyes and shakes her head no.

"Hmm I think you are little one, come on, let's go to bed, dadas pretty sleepy as well" I walked us back to the bedroom. I laid her down and I got into my side of the bed. I pulled her close to me and hugged her "good night sweetie, maybe we can have more little fun tomorrow" I said "goo nigh dada" she said, she then pushed her face into my chest as we both started to fall asleep.

I hope you guys liked this and if you didn't then I'm sorry 😞

Love - moon 🌙

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