Dabi x reader

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Hi guys sorry I didn't update I was just a bit busy and stressed out, but here is a story that was requested by one of my lovely followers (I didn't say their name because I don't know if they want me too)  SHE/THEY
Also good news I had my maths test today and I got a 90%! I'm so happy :)

Y/n's POV

I looked at the clock and it said 11:00 pm, I know I was meant to be in bed an hour ago but I want to stay up and wait for daddy to get home from his mission because, even though I'm his little and he's my daddy I still worry about him. Even though he still tells me I'll be fine while he's gone for a few hours I still get scared that he's not coming back, and now that it's late at night I'm starting to get scared because I can hear the wind and lightning in the sky.

I hold my stuffie closer to me and hide my face into it, I was about to start crying out of fear before I heard the door open and close. "Princess, why are you still up? I told you not to wait for daddy because he's always out late on missions". Daddy said as he put his coat and keys on the table, then he started to move towards me. He sat down next to me and moved me to be sitting on his lap. "Princess you look a bit stressed do you have something you need to tell daddy?" Daddy asked as he gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah I was just scared that something bad would happen to you and then I would be all alone..." I said with a frown as I pushed my face into daddy's chest. "Aw sweetie don't worry about me so much and you know I would never let anything happen to you or me" daddy said as he gently held my head and kissed my forehead, he slowly rubbed my back to calm me down.

"Oh little one before I forget look what daddy got you on his mission out" he said as he held out a little bunny plushy holding a little heart in its hand "thank you daddy! It's so cute!" I said as I held it in my hands and brought it close to my chest and hugged it. "I'm glad you like it baby, but I think it's time for you to go to bed" daddy said as he picked me up. 

"Will you hug me until I fall asleep" I said with a small smile on my face as I held onto his shirt "if that's what you want sweetie then I'll do it" daddy said as he walked us to his room "ooh do I get to sleep in daddy's room!" I said with a big smile on my face "yes princess because daddy has been very busy lately and I think i need more time with my little girl" daddy said with a smile on his face.

"Okay little one what pjs do you want to wear ?" Daddy said as he held up two pairs of pjs "can I wear that one" I said as I pointed to wards the cutest one "of course Angel" daddy said as he moved towards me "do you want me to put it on for you baby?" Daddy said with a soft smile "yes please daddy" I said with a smile.

Time skip to in your pjs and after doing your night routine :)

"Okay little one are you ready for bed now?" Daddy said as he gently put me onto my side of the bed "yes daddy" I said it's a smile on my face, I laid down and stretched out and yawned "it looks like you're sleepy princess " daddy said with a smile as he brought me close to him and hugged me "mmm" I hummed in a sleepy tone.

Daddy kissed my forehead another time before he started to hum to me a lullaby, he slowly rubbed me back and laid my head on his chest "just relaxes baby I'm here to protect you from the monsters of this world " he said as he kissed me one last time before I said "goodnight daddy, I love you" and drifted of into my dream land.


To the person that requested this I hope this is okay and that your not disappointed!

Also love you all and hope you have a nice night/day :)

Love - moon 🌙

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