Jirou x reader x momo *spooky fun*

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Hello lovely's, hope you had a great day/night (: I'm so excited for halloween! We have a day off on halloween because the next day is Melbourne cup! So we get the next day off as well and me and my friends are going to go trick or treating and have a sleepover, I can't wait!
PRONOUNS: he/him INCLUDES: sippy, paci and jirou's hoodie READER HAS: Autism LITTLE AGE: 2
Mama = jirou          mommy = momo
Y/n's pov

Today was going to be a great day, I could feel it, you know why? Because I get to go shopping with my mummy! And we get to get halloween stuff like costumes, pumpkin, decorations and the best of all...candy!!

As I was filled with excitement i tried to get dressed, but I kinda just got myself tangled in my own clothes...*knock knock * "baby, are you nearly done getting dressed? Do you maybe need some help form mummy?" I could hear mummy say from outside the door "uh...mwabe just a wittle hewp..." I said. She then opened the door and walked in "oh poor baby...how did you get so tangled?  Here let me move this here... and the head whole is here, and then...done!" She said with a smile.

I looked in the mirror and mummy had fixed my clothes for me "tank u mummy!" I said with a happy smile, I then hugged her waist "oh it's okay baby, that's what I'm here for!" She said "alright but we have to go now little one, because mama jirou's waiting in the car for us so let's go!" As she said that she then lifted me up and placed me on her waist as she walked us to the car.

~~~~~~~~ time skip to getting to the store ~~~~~~~~
Momo's pov

Once we got to the store and got a car spot me and jirou both looked in the back mirror and could see how happy y/n was to be here, he had a big smile on his face and was swinging his feet back and forth "alrighty are we ready to go?" Jirou asked "Wes!" Y/n then said from the back. She let out a little giggle "alright then let's go!"

We all walked into the store together and y/n immediately went to the halloween section, and we followed after him. We started at the costumes but y/n was having a bit of trouble finding a costume that he liked "hmm what about this one! You would look so cute in this!" I said as I held up costumes "hmm Nu mommy it not the right one fo mw" he said.

"Oh theirs more costumes over here guys!" We could hear jirou says from a few aisles away. "Okay let's do to mama then!" I said, I then took his hand gently and walked with him. Once we got their he saw a costume he liked and let out an excited gasp "can I gwt thi one" he asked "of course you can" we both said "yay! Tank u mama and mommy" he then hugged us.

"I'm glad you're happy but we need to get the candy, pumpkins and decor for the house still so let's get to it!" I said as I lead them away from the costumes section. We then got all of our favourite candy's, pick out our pumpkins and got some cute spooky decorations for the house, fair to say we were all very happy with the out come of the shop.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip also y/n's pov~~~~~~~~~

Once we got home I  sat down on the floor in the living room, while mommy and mama got the pumpkins and bowls of candy for us to enjoy. "There we go, here's your pumpkin baby, but be careful with the carver it's a bit sharp" mama said to me "okie mama I'll be caweful" I said as I took the carver and started to carve my pumpkin with them.

Mommy did a little ghost on her pumpkin, while mama went for a more classic pumpkin with a face on it with sharp teeth. But my pumpkin was the best! I made a pumpkin with (design) on it, it look really good! "Wow baby you did so good!" Mommy said to me "yeah baby, it looks so cool" mama said to me as well, I smile at the complements.

Me and mama then sat on the couch to watch a halloween movie while mommy made dinner. As we watch the movie I started to get a bit scared because one of the characters designs was really scary and creepy! I was stiming a bit with my fingers to try and distract myself from the scary character. But then at one scene that character jump scared us, I punched my face into mamas neck and held onto her arm "hey bubs are you okay?" She asked softly looking at me "I-I just a wittle scawed " I said into her neck "oh poor buba, here take mamas hoodie that usually makes you feel better right?" She asked with a smile "wes pwease" I said.

She then put the hoodie on me and proceeded to change the movie to another halloween movie that was less scary. Mommy then came back in with some food and a sippy cup for me of my favourite drink "here you go baby, do you want something to eat as well or are you full from all the candy?" She asked "Nu I feel a wittle sick in the tummy from the candy..." I said with a frown "oh that's no good love, if it still hurts in an hour we'll give you some medicine" she then said as she handed me my sippy.

I drank my sippy while we watched the rest of the movie, when I was done I was starting to feel sleepy. I saw my paci on the coffee table and made grabbie hands to it "do you want your paci baby?" Mama asked me "mhm" I said, she then grabbed it and put it in my mouth for me, i the laid down on the couch with my head on mama's lap and the legs on mommy's lap.


Hello lovely's I hope you liked this, and sorry if it's not that good, was writing this in period pain so ya know... anyways I hope you have a nice day/night

Love - moon 🌙

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