Yandere Mirko X Bunny Reader *My Baby Bunny* Part 2

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Hello lovely's I saw a few of you wanted a part 2 so here you go. I hope you guys enjoy this, it's been a while since I've written Mirko, but I felt like doing her since she's been all over my TikTok.

PROUNOUNS: they/them ITEMS: Paci, baby bottle, diapers, onesie, swaddle. TRIGGER WARNING: yandere themes, aftermath of kidnapping, reference to y/n being drugged, forced regression from use of drugs?? Actually not really... it just makes y/n not be able to talk and move properly... but they have a normal mindset.
y/n's pov:

my mind feels so foggy as I start to wake up again, I can hear a man and a woman talking a bit away from me, though my brain can't register what they are saying. I slowly open my eyes and let them adjust to the light. now that I can see I recognise my surroundings. I'm laying on Mirko's couch in her living room. I had been changed out of my hero costume and into a fluffy white bunny onesie and could tell I was now in a diaper from the feeling of it around me.

I try to move but notice that my muscles feel stiff and are hard to more. I try to talk but all that comes out is a whine, I hadn't realised that a pacifier was in my mouth. I hear footsteps start walking towards me from the kitchen and look to see Mirko walking towards me with a big grin on her face with a phone to her ear "I gotta go hawks, talk to you later" she says before hanging up.

she kneels down next to the couch and pats my ears "hi bun bun, how was your nap? did mommy wake you up from being too loud on the phone?" she said, using baby talk to me. I try to yell at her to let me go... but again all that comes out are babbles and whines. she coos at me and moves to sit on the couch, pulling me into her lap, patting my back.

"you're so adorable y/n... I can tell you really wanna use those big adult words don't you? but you can't... do you know why? because you're mommy's little baby... and babies don't use big words... mommy made sure you'll be acting like the little baby you are... with the help of some things, but don't worry about that little one" she said softly but with a condescending tone as well.

my eyes widened a bit in shock... she gave me a drug that made me like this...? how did she even get this drug! I start thinking rapidly, trying to figure out how I can get out of this situation. she can tell I'm thinking about something she doesn't want me to, and pulls me out of thought by pinching my tail.

I let out a little yelp and the Paci falls out of my mouth, my eyes start to water from the pain... though I didn't hurt that much, I guess the drug also made me a lot more emotional...

she shushed me and started to rock me back and forth "there, there... I'm sorry baby but mommy could tell you were thinking about big kid stuff... and that's a no no. little ones don't think about that stuff.." she said in a baby voice again. she then wiped away my tears.

Mirko's pov:

I hold y/n in my arms, rocking them to try and calm them down after I pinched their tail, it was very light but the drug I gave them would make their little brain overreact. "now bunny lets get you a bottle, mommy needs to feed you" I say softly and hold them in my arms, walking over to the kitchen to prepare a bottle. I keep them on my hip the whole time, one hand on them, the other used to make the bottle.

once I was done I go over to the rocking chair in the living room and sit down with them in my lap, putting the bottle on the table next to us. I notice them trying to wriggle out of my lap, I chuckle at this "no little one... you're not going anywhere. you're mommy's now and mommy will never let you go... now let's swaddle you up" I say and boop their nose.

I get the swaddle and wrap them in it, keeping them safe and secure in my lap and unable to escape from the swaddle. "what an adorable little bunny I have... you're perfect for me baby. your cure little ears and tail... your innocent eyes... your sweet personality. you were made to be my baby bunny. and I was made to be your mommy" I say softly and kiss both of their ears.

I hold them close to me on my lap and pick back up the bottle, bringing it to their face to drink. they turn their head away and whine out a "nooo". it was so adorable... I could tell they were trying to sound more stern, but it just came out as a kiddish whine. I hold their chin gently but firmly and bring their head back to be looking at me.

"no bunny... you need to have your bottle. if you don't you'll go hungry and be even more weak then you already are... so be a good bunny for mommy" I say sternly to them and bring the bottle back to their mouth, this time they let me feed it to them.

I smirk at them giving into me and start patting their ears again "such a good bunny for mommy. if you're really good mommy will give you a special reward.. like a new toy or activity. anything to keep my bunny happy." I say softly, they keep drinking their bottle.

I sigh in happiness "this is all I've ever dreamed of, from the moment I saw you and found out you were a little. all I could dream about was making you my baby bunny and getting to take care of you. cuddle you, kiss you, change you, feed you, play with you. everything... I can tell you're gonna grow to love it here and accept me as your mommy... and if you don't i'll make you... babies don't get to say no to mommy"

hello lovely's I hope you guys enjoyed this. honestly I'm really liking writing yandere's right now. do you guys have any suggestions/requests as to what yandere I should do next? or a new plot with yandere's? because I feel like I've done all the plots I can think of for yandere's... but maybe you guys have some suggestions? anyways thanks for the love and support on this book. have a nice day/night.

Love - Moon 🌙

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