Littles x reader x caregivers

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Hi so I decided to make a sleepover one shot because I feel like it and I think it's cute.
Littles: reader, uraraka, denki and tsu ~~~~ caregivers: bakugou, kirishima, momo, izuku, shinso

Btw this is kinda going of the Kiri x reader x bakugou because readers caregivers are Kiri and bakugou.

Y/n's POV

I'm so excited for my first ever little sleepover! My daddies arranged it with my other friends mommy's and daddy's because we've all been good littles and behaving. We decided to have it at our house because I have a big play room for everyone to play and sleep in.

I spent so much time trying to figure out what to wear that I almost forgot to have lunch! After I picked out my outfit I went down stairs and was greeted by my daddies with a big hug "hello little one, you look so nice today, did you dress up for your sleepover?" Kiri asked my "yes! I'm so excited I can't wait for everyone to be here!" I said with a big smile as I hugged them tighter "I'm so glad to hear that baby bunny but you need to eat first or else you'll feel sick" daddy said as he moved to look down at me.

"Yes daddy I know, that's why I came down here!" I said with a small frown on my face "aw don't frown little one I was just asking" daddy said as he picked me up and sat me on my chair "so what do you want for lunch Angel?" Kiri asked me "can I please have (f/f)?" I said with a small smile "of course sweetie and good manners" daddy said as he turned to the kitchen to start making it.

Time skip to when uraraka came

Y/n's POV

It's near 5 o'clock which is when the sleepover begins but I hear a knock at the door already! I ran to the door and threw it open and saw uraraka and izuku "hi y/n! You look nice today" izuku said to me with a kind smile "yes I was so excited for the sleepover that I dressed up and I'm so glad you're here uraraka!" I said as I hugged uraraka, "thank you y/n for letting me stay the night and I can't wait to play together!" Uraraka said as she hugged me tight.

"Ah Deku your here, you always where the type to arrive early " daddy said from behind me as he smiled at him "why don't you come in for a cup of tea izuku and our Angels can go play upstairs?" Kiri said with a kind smile "oh I would love a cup of tea if it isn't to out of your way" izuku said "no! It's fine" Kiri said as he lead him to the kitchen and before we could go upstairs daddy said "you too have fun up there but remember if you miss behave I will punish you y/n and uraraka I won't hesitate to call your daddy, understand?"  "Yes daddy" "yes mr bakugou " me and uraraka said at the same time. "Alright good now go have fun you too" daddy said with a smirk as we ran off.

When we got up the stairs we went to my play room and picked out some toys to play with. Uraraka and I must have played for a long time because I heard daddy yell for us to come down because the others had arrived. We ran downstairs to see our friends standing there.

"Hi hi uraraka and y/n!" Denki said with a big smile on his face "hello uraraka and y/n!" Tsu said with a smile. "Thank you for having denki kirishima and bakugou" shinso said with a thankful smile "yes, thank you two so much it's the only thing tsu has been able to talk about for days" momo said with a small smile and a small giggle "no really it's our pleasure " Kiri said with a big smile "yeah it's not a big deal idiots " daddy said with a grin "I'm just glad we can see our baby happy" daddy said as he put a hand on my back. All of the caregivers gave a small "mhm" to sign that they agreed with daddy.

Time skip to when all of the caregivers left 🌸

"All right little ones what do you all want to have for dinner!" Kiri said with a big smile "f/f!" (Reader gets their favourite food but it has to be a dinner food, no ice cream or sweet things!) "all right sounds good" Kiri said as him and daddy went to go order it "so guys what do you want to play?" Tsu said "I want to play dress up!" Denki said "all right let's play. Dress up and then we can all have a turn afterwards of saying what we want to play sound good?" Uraraka said. We and nodded our heads yes.

Denki dressed up as a knight , Tsu dressed up as a princess, uraraka dressed up as a cat and I dressed up as a bunny (basically uraraka and y/n are the royal pets 🤷‍♀️). We were getting to the best part of our story before daddy interrupted us to tell us dinner is ready. We all ran downstairs and sat down at the dining table.

Time skip to after eating ☁️

When we got back upstairs we decided it was tsu's turn to pick "so what do you want to play Tsu!" I said with a smile "can we play mummy's and daddy's with your stuffies?" Tsu said with a gentle smile "of course we can!" I said as i walked over to my toy box "so which one do you all want you can pick" I said to my friends. "Can I have that one?" Tsu said pointing to a white fox "yes you can" I said with a smile "can I have that one ?" Uraraka said pointing to a pink cat "yes" I said "can I have that one please y/n!" Denki said with an energetic voice as he pointed at a tiger, I said yes and then I picked out my favourite stuffie.

We played with my stuffies for hours and hours, we didn't even know how late it was until my daddy's came into my room and said "hello little ones we hate to cut the fun short but you should all be going to bed soon" daddy said with a smile "no daddy! Please can we play for a few minutes more!" I said with a frown "ah ah ah don't get bratty with my baby" daddy said with a small frown "yes daddy" I said with a small sigh "good Angel, now come brush your teeth, go to the toilet and brush your hair, all of you " daddy said waiting at the door, we all got up and walked towards the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Time skip to after getting ready ✨

"All right little ones do you all have your onesies on?" Daddy said with a smile "yes" we all said with smile "all right now I'm going to be nice to night and let you watch a movie to fall asleep to" daddy said with a smirk as if to say he was such a nice person for letting us watch a movie " yay thank you !" We all said. "Okay so what do you want to watch?" Daddy said as he put on the tv " can we please watch sleeping beauty?" Tsu said with a smile "yes we can but only if everyone else would want to watch it" daddy said as he turned to us. We all agreed to watch the movie.

We all cuddled up close to each other as the movie started and daddy had left the room. "Thank you for letting us come y/n...this was the best [yawn] sleepover ever" Denki said in a sleepy voice, "yeah y/n I'm so glad we're friends with you and that we got to have fun together " Tsu said as well in a sleepy voice, "I agree [yawn]" uraraka said as she closed her eyes. "Well goodnight guys" I said with a soft smile "goodnight y/n" everyone said back to me before we all fell asleep.

Bonus part because I didn't upload for a few days 🍓

Bakugous pov

It was the morning after the sleepover and I got up before eijiro to make breakfast for all the babies. As I was nearly done I heard a knock on the door. I went over to open the door and saw shinso, izuku and momo "well you're all here early" I said with a tired look "yes we just wanted to get them early if that's okay" izuku said "yeah that's fine do you want to stay for breakfast while you're at it" I said with a smile "sure sounds good!" Momo said with a smile. "Alright come in then" I said as I let them in.

"Are they not up yet?" Shinso said with a smile "no their not up yet their sleeping like babies" I said with a small chuckle. "Do you want to come check on them though with me?" I said to them, they all nodded. "Alright follow me then" I said as I lead them to y/n's play room. As we opened the door we were greeted with the cutest sight.

All of our little ones were hugging each other, some of their pacifiers had fallen out and to top it all of they were sleeping on a pile of pillows, blankets and stuffies. "Aw this is the cutest thing I've ever seen!" Momo said in an excited whisper "I know I might need to take a photo" izuku said as he took a picture "hey izuku can you send that to me?" Shinso said "and me too idiot" I said with a small smile.


This took so long to write but I hope y'all like it :) also thank you for nearly 700 reads!

Love - moon 🌙

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