Momo x reader x todoroki *mommy and daddy night*

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Hello lovely's I hope you really like this one! I felt like writing another story after the one I just posted.
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: little clothes, pull-ups, stuffie TRIGGER WARNING: school tests and grades 😔
Contest: you are sitting in class waiting to get back your grade from a test the class had recently done. It was in a subject that you are not that confident in... hopefully you do good in it!

Y/n's pov

I sit at my desk nervously waiting for Mr aizawa to hand everyone's test papers back, when he gets to me he gives me a smile and say "good job y/n" I look at the back of the test to find out my score... {woah! That's such a good mark I usually get like 15% less than this! I bet mommy and daddy will be proud of me!} I think to myself. I then turned around to see mommy and daddy and smile at them. They both smile back at me. I then see mommy writing a note, which she passes to Tsu, then to deku and then he gives the note to me.

The note reads "how did you go sweetheart? Me and shoto noticed you looked excited did all that studying pay off?" I the write down a response "yeah It did mommy! I got 15% higher then what I usually get! I'm so proud of myself... but I'm so excited that I'm starting to feel little... can we have a little night at daddy's house?" I then pass the note back to deku, who passes it to Tsu, who then passes it back to mommy.

She reads it and smiles, she then passes it to daddy, he looks up from reading it smiling and nodding his head yes. Just then the bell rings for the end of the day. I get up and walk out of the classroom since I'm close to the Door but wait next to it outside for mommy and daddy. When they come out mommy straight away hugs me "Ah! I'm so proud of you sweetie you did so good!" She says happily "yes, I'm also very proud of you Angel and I would love to reward your accomplishment. There's a new toy shop that just opened near my about we pop in on the way home?" Daddy says, he then hugs me while petting my head

"Really?! I get new toys?" I ask excitedly. Daddy and mommy both let out a giggle at my reaction "oh course you do sweetie, we'll get you whatever you want. Anything for our baby" daddy says with a smile "mhm that's right~ but before we leave do you want to get into some little clothes? We can stop by your dorm baby" mommy says. "Yeah I wanna wear wittle clothes pwease!" I say, mommy and daddy then take one of my hands each and we walk to my dorm room to get changed into little clothes.

Time skip: you're now in little clothes and arrive at the store.

Momo's pov

"Here we are sweetheart" I say as y/n, todoroki and I walk into the new toy store "what do you think little one?" Todoroki asks y/n "I love it! Ooo there's so many cute things in here mommy and daddy!" Y/n says excitedly they them immediately run to the plushy section. I giggle at their reaction"aren't they just the cutest little you've ever seen shoto?" I ask shoto while admiring our little "mhm the most adorable in the whole world, and we have the privilege of being their caregivers" he says lovingly.

"Mommy daddy! I like this one!" Y/n says holding up a jellycat branded plushy "Aw it's so cute sweetie, is that the one you want?" I ask them sweetly "mhm mommy it is! What do you think of it daddy?" Y/n asks shoto "it's definitely cute Angel... but it's not even close to how cute you are" he says smiling, he then pets y/n on the head "is that all you want sweetie? Nothing else?" He asks gently.

"Mmm no! Just this one! I really like it!" They say and then bring it close to them to cuddle it. "Alright then daddy will buy it for you, you deserve it for being so amazing little one" he says and then takes it from y/n to pay for it "oh shoto I can pay for it, you pay for everything!" I say pulling out my card "don't worry about it darling, it's not my money... I stole the old man's card again" he then giggles as he taps the card to pay "shoto! You're going to get caught one day..." I say worrying about him. He then hands the teddy to y/n "don't worry about it momo. He won't find out... I think"

Todoroki's pov

We then walk out of the store, I hold momo's hand while she holds y/n's and y/n holds the hand/paw of her teddy. As we walk I hear y/n yawn "are you feeling sleepy buba?" I ask gently to them, I look over and see them nod their head slowly. "Here let daddy carry you back home then" I walk over to them to pick them up, they make grabbing hands up at me, I pick them up and they rest their head on my chest.

"Aw you look so sleepy little one..." momo says to y/n. We then continue to walk, until we finally get to my house. I open the door for momo to walk in before me "now we need to be quiet I don't want the old man to know I have people over... Also I don't think he knows y/n is a little" I say to momo she nodes. We quickly and quietly walk into the house... i think we're safe until we walk down the hall way to get to my room and come face to face with my father.

"Shoto... who are these people?" As my father speaks I feel y/n grip me harder. "It's none of your business father..." I say and then go to walk into my room "shoto! Is this your girlfriend and... your little?" He asks. Both momo and i's mouths drop open and let out a gasp "w-wait how did you know that-" momo asks. "I know a lot more then you think I know... anyways I don't care if you have a girlfriend or a little... but stop stealing my credit card to buy your little stuffies!" He says angrily.

I then hear y/n let out a little giggle at that, I quickly put my hand over their mouth to silence it knowing that my father would most likely gat annoyed at this "did they just giggle at me?" He asks angrily... "uh got to go bye father!" I quickly push momo into my room and go in myself while still holding y/n and close the door behind us locking it. I hear a huff outside the door and he then walks away.

"Little one..." I say to y/n looking them in the eyes "you're playing with fire with my old man... literally" they let out a small sigh "sorry daddy..." I smile at them "it's okay, just try not to do it again, now I think it's time someone go to bed... don't you agree momo?" I ask looking to momo for her answer " yes I think it is time, I'll get out their onesie and pull-up" she says going to my closet to get it from the usual spot.

Y/n then frowns at the word pull-up "sweetie don't frown... I know you don't like the pull-ups but you do need them... lots of littles wear them it's nothing to be ashamed of" I say smiling at them "...okay" they say.

Y/n's pov + time skip: you've now been changed into your onesie and pull-up and are now laying in bed with daddy and mommy while you cuddle your new stuffie.

I snuggle up closer to mommy and daddy as I cuddle my stuffie "I luv u mommy and daddy so so much! Tank you for buying me my stuffie!" I say happily "mommy and daddy love you so much too little one" mommy says to me "yes we both adore you Angel and your most welcome, such a good little one" he says and he then pets my head. I feel my eye lids get heavy and the last thing I remember before I fall asleep is mommy and daddy both kissing my forehead and saying good night to me.

Hello lovely's hope you enjoyed this! I actually can't believe how close I am to 100 chapters! I'm so excited for when I hit it but when I hit 100 chapters that might be my last one... because I want to end my book on an Evan number. Thank you all so much for your support it means the world to me

Love - moon 🌙

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