Momo x reader

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Y/n had a hard day of school and is a bit stressed out by all of the homework their teacher gave them, what will happen when y/n go's over to momo's house to study but ends up falling into little space?

Y/n's POV

I can't wait for the bell to go, I've been sitting here forever and I'm trying not to fall into little space but it's getting harder as time passes by. The bell goes and we all get up in a hurry to leave but then the teacher stops us and gives us homework... 'great just great!' I think to myself as I'm walking out to go home I see momo run up to me... "Hey y/n! Do you want to come over to my house to study for the maths test for tomorrow and get this homework done?" Momo said to me with a smile on her face and a bit of blush? "Yes! That would be amazing if you could please help me with this momo!" I said happy that I was going to get help from the smartest girl in class.

Time skip

When we got to momo's house I was shocked 'wow! This is so pretty and big' I think to myself. Momo and I walk up to the front door and go inside, the inside is just as beautiful as the outside of the house looked maybe even better. Momo walked me to her room, when we got there we sat down at the desk she had in her room. I opened my homework and was already starting to get nervous about it and even worse my little mindset was starting to creep up on me. 'Oh no what if I fall into little space in front of Momo and she starts thinking I'm weird?!?' I was starting to get so worried that I didn't notice Momo trying to ask me something... "hey y/n? Are you okay? You look like you're really worried about something... if it's about the homework I can help you with that so don't stress y/n!" Momo said with a smile on her face but... it was to late I'm already in little space, now I can't talk to her because what if she can tell by my voice.

Momo's POV

Y/n has been acting a bit off after I said that and didn't say anything back... I'm starting to worry. "Hey y/n can you please tell me what's wrong I want to help you" I said in a kind voice. Y/n looked up at me and I noticed they were crying?!? "Oh no! Y/n please don't cry can you tell me what's wrong because like I said I just want to help you and I won't judge you for what you say...okay?"..."okie... so I in wittle swace and it help with stwess I sowwy if u think I not Sowwy ..." I looked up at y/n with a smile "okay that's good to know little one and no I'm not judging you for saying that I'm actually glad you did, so how old are you? Can you hold up your fingers to tell me?"

Y/n held up three fingers and smiled "I glad u don't hwat me" I smiled and laughed a bit "I could never hate you y/n...but I have a question.. do you have a caregiver?" Y/n looked up at me with big beautiful (eye colour) eyes "" they said with a frown on their face..."hey it's okay but that's good to know because I wanted to ask if I could be your caregiver...please?" Y/n's eyes got wider and they smiled "Yes!" They said that and hugged me with all their might. I think to myself 'I'm so happy they said yes! I can't wait to spoil them with beautiful clothes and toys, anything for my baby' "so do you want to come sit on mommy's bed and watch some Disney movies, with mommy's little one?" Y/n nodded their head yes "okay then let's go" I said with a smile on my face and held out my hand to them.

Moon's notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey clouds hope you like this one I just woke up and made this so sorry if theirs any mistakes in it also feel free to leave requests because I don't want to run out of ideas!

Also if you do can you please tell me what age you want to be wait just say where, who and like I said what age.

Thank you and I love you guys:)

From - moon :)

Bnha/mha x little space reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now