Bakugou x autistic reader x kirishima *we'll help you baby*

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Hello lovely's, hope you had a good day/night. I'm going to post a chapter soon about how I've been going and why I've been gone for so long. INCLUDES:, paci and stuffie PRONOUNS: they/ them
On ones pov

It was a wonderful day, the boys had decided to take their little y/n out to a mystical festival (yes that's a real thing I went to one with my friends and it was so cute there were a lot of people dressed up as fairy's and elves) they got y/n dressed up for the occasion as a (fairy or elf) and they looked so adorable! The "cutest little One out there!" As kiri put it.

But as the day went on more people started to come and the more people that came the louder and the more crowded it became. It was beginning to be to much for the little, there was to much going on. The music, the laughing, the talking, to sound of foot steps, money jingling, the sound of dogs barking. It was to much.

Y/n's pov

I grabbed onto Kiri's arm with one hand while the other played with the keys and my pocket "un's to you have my headphones?" I asked as I looked down "I'm sorry baby I should have checked to see you were okay! Um they should be here somewhere..." he said as he looked through his backpack. Bakugou then walked up to use with the food he had bought us

"Here y/n I made sure they made it the way you liked" he said. But I was frozen in the position of looking down at the floor the only part of my body that was moving was my hands to play with the Keys. "Hey y/n what's wrong?" He asked me as he grabbed my hand to stop me from playing with the keys "katsuki, let them play with the keys their having sensory overload right now, and I can't find their headphones! What should we do?" Kiri asked him.

I zoned out of what they were saying, it was to much, to much of everything. I felt the tears fall from my eyes as I cried in distress "I wan go home to loud, to manny people...*sniffle*" I said as the tears fell from my eyes "okay baby let's go home" daddy said as he picked me up and we walked to the car "my poor baby, I'm so sorry papa forgot to bring your headphones, and I should have been paying more attention to your body language, I'm sorry little one" he said as he ruffled me hair.

When we got to the car I sat in the back of the car and kiri sat next to me instead of in the front to make sure I was okay. "Here baby you can fidget with my fingers if you want" papa said as he put his hand in mine. I played with his hands while we drove home. I was getting better slowly but it was still scary that, that happened.

I was so zoned out I didn't even notice that we had arrived home until I felt papa unbuckle me "let's get you in side little one" he said as he picked me up "here, do you want your paci baby?" Daddy asked me as he gave it to me. I nodded my head and put it in my mouth. Once we got inside papa and daddy took me to our bedroom.

He then laid me down on the bed "we think we should have a nap after that little one, I think we're all pretty tied now" daddy said as he hoped into bed "next time we'll make sure to remember the headphones and leave when it gets to rush hour" daddy said. Papa then handed me my favourite stuffie "let's sleep now little one"

"It okay papa and daddy, it not either of u's fault" I said as I brought them both in for a hug. "Now let's all go night night I'm weally sweepy" I said. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep on them.


Sorry I didn't really know how to end it but I hope you liked it ^_^ also I'll post a chapter soon to say why I was away for so long, sorry for the wait.

Love - moon 🌙

Bnha/mha x little space reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now