Yandere shigaraki x reader *i know everything* part 2

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Hello lovely's I hope you like this. I'm at the end of my term 1 holidays. I'm nearly done with year 12... like it's gone so fast... I only have 2 more terms and then exams... I actually can't believe how fast it's gone. Hope you guys are going good in school too if you're still in school, and if not then hopefully you're going well in life :)
PRONOUNS: she/her (sorry) ITEMS: sippy cup, onesie and pull-up. TRIGGER WARNING: yandere themes, creepy shiggy, forced age regression? But tbh reader kinda isn't in little space... they just not arguing with him.
Y/n's pov

I slowly open my eyes, feeling a headache already as I take consciousness again. I see that I'm in a crib and have been changed into my favourite onesie, I also have a pull-up on. I look around the room to see it has a (favourite colour) theme and some other things in there that are my interests. I see lots of my toys from my home have been moved here and some new ones as well...

I then hear the door open and look towards it to see Shigaraki coming in with a big grin on his face "hello my little y/n... how are you feeling?" He asks in a caring tone and comes over to the crib, looking down on me. I stay silent looking up at him, not wanting to talk to him... I feel scared... betrayed and I know I can't trust him now.

Shiggy's pov

I sigh seeing that y/n is not going to respond to me and lean down so my face is nearly level with hers as she sits in the crib "baby you can't ignore daddy... that's what bad girls do... and I know you're not a bad girl. You're a good girl... and I doubt you want to face the punishment I have in mind for if you continue to be a bad girl... so how are you feeling?" I say in a more stern tone.

Her eyes widen a bit "okay... I just have a bit of a headache..." she says slowly. I frown "a headache? My poor baby... here daddy will help you with that" I say and before she has time to react I pick her up out of the crib and carry her in my arms to the kitchen. I sit her down in a high chair, strapping her in so that she can't get out. "Daddy's going to make you some breakfast and give you some medicine to help with your headache... okay?" I say softly to her, she just nods her head. I kiss her forehead and walk over to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Y/n's pov

I sit in the high chair, feeling so conflicted... I shouldn't be okay with this or like this... but he's being so caring to me... and he's gentle with me and I don't think he wants to hurt me... but I think that's just my little side talking... I should be trying to find a way to escape or fight back... not playing along... what should I do?

"Here you go baby" my train of thought is interrupted. I see shiggy smiling down at me as he sets a bowl/plate of (favourite breakfast) down on the high chairs tray in front of me and puts a (favourite colour) sippy cup down as well with (favourite juice/water/milk) in it.

"Thank you..." I mumbled out. {why did I say thank you to him!?} I think to myself as response to what I had said. Shiggy chuckles "good girl... already using your manners for daddy... such a good girl" shiggy says in a sweet voice and he pats my head. It's then that I notice he is wearing special finger gloves...

"What are those...?" I ask shyly pointing at them. He smiles "these are daddy's special gloves... I wear them so that I can't hurt my little princess... you wouldn't want what happened to that shelf from yesterday to happen to you, right?" He asks sweetly, but he says it in a way that sounds like a threat.

I shiver a bit and shake my head no. He smiles and lets out a little chuckle "No sweetheart... use that pretty voice of yours... say no daddy..." he says and caresses my cheek with the back of his hand. "No daddy..." I say softly "good girl... also remember to call me daddy form now on, okay? I'm your caregiver and daddy now... not shiggy" he says with a smile. I nod my head "good girl, now daddy is going to feed you... say aah" he says hold up a spoon/fork of food.

Time skip to when you're done.

"You did so good baby... you ate all your breakfast... daddy is very proud of you and you nearly drank all of your sippy cup" he says lovingly and plays with a bit of my hair "now... do you still need medicine for that headache? Or is it better now that you've ate and drank?" He asks with a smile "no... it's okay now.." I say softly "that's good princess..." he says and picks me up out on the high chair and carries me into another room.

It's a big office, looks pretty professional apart from the few anime/game figures he has on one shelf. He sits down in the office chair and places me on his lap, pulling me in close to him so my back is rested against his chest. I feel uncomfortable... I don't want to sit in his lap... but I can't say that. I don't want him to get mad at me.

He pulls out the draw next to us and pulls out a (favourite cartoon/movie/characters) colouring book with a pack of crayons, pencils and markers. "Now how about you draw a pretty picture for daddy while daddy does some boring grown up work... you wouldn't be interested in that now would you baby?" He says in a bit of a patronising baby voice.

I just nod my head and open the book to find a page I like. Out of the corner of my eye I can see he is reading an article about a murder that occurred last night... it was about me... I can see the sick smirk on his face as he reads it. He must have done something to frame it and look like a murder... that means no one will look for me.

My heart drops and I look back to my colouring page, before he can catch me looking and pick up a crayon to start. Shiggy wraps his arms around my torso and cuddles me, he rests his chin on top of my head "Aw... you're such a good girl for daddy... I love you my little princess. Do you promise to never leave daddy...? You'll never leave daddy, right? Because that would make you a very bad girl..." he says in a threatening tone, while also sounding caring.

"...no daddy... I won't leave..."
"Good girl..."

Hello lovely's hope you enjoyed this. Went on a big break because of year 12 and all that. Probably still will because my school is the most important thing right now. Thank you all for the love and support shown to this book. Love you all so much, hope you have a nice day/night.

Love - moon 🌙

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