Shigaraki x reader *playtime*

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Hello lovely's I've only got two more requests to do after this! Btw thank you to the people that were last one my list and being patient with me (: <3 also Thank you all so much for 2.6k reads and over 100 votes! Also this is SHE/HER
Y/n's POV
{It had been two days, two days since daddy went on his mission...but! Today is the day that he gets to come home! I'm so excited for him to come home, I can't wait to run and jump into his arms and hug him!} I think to myself as I make my bed and started to pick up my toys. If daddy's coming home today he wouldn't want to see the mess I made and plus I would get in trouble!

As I put my last stuffie back on my bed, I decide to go make angel milk. As I walk to the kitchen I hear a knock on the door {oh it must be daddy!} I think to myself as I run to the door. I can hear to sound of keys jingling, and then the door opens "daddy! Your home!" I say as I jump into the blue haired mans arms, he chuckles a little before he respond back to me "I'm glad to hear you miss me just as much as I missed you little one" he said.

He then walked into the house still holding me, he then put a bag and his keys on the table "were you a good girl while I was gone, sweetie?" He asks looking into my eyes, I nod my head in excitement "yes daddy I was very good! Go look at my room it's all clean!" I said as pointed to my room "oh okay baby let's go look then shall we?" He says as he walks to my room. When he reaches the door he opens it and makes a surprised gasp "you did all of this by yourself little one?" He asks looking at me "yes I did it just for you daddy!" I said in an excited tone.

"I feel very special little one but now what do you want to do with daddy? Since you've been such a good girl what do you want to do?" He asked as he sat me down on my bed "hmm can we play games!" I said in excited tone "of course little one what do you want to play?" He asks me "can we pwease play mindcraft?" I ask "of course baby, do you want me to carry you to the lounge room?" He asks "yes pwease daddy"

I said as I made garbing hands towards him "aw your so cute angel" he said as he picked me up and sat me on his hip, we then walked to the lounge room. He sat down and placed me in his lap "is it fine if you sit in daddy's lap little one? Daddy just wants to have you close to him after not being able to see each other for a while" he asked me with a smile "yes daddy" I said as I hugged his chest.

As we loaded up the game we decided to play survival mode. "Alright little one I'm going to go mining, what are you going to do?" He asked "I'll go cut down some trees but then after that I'm going to go pick some flowers so I can make the house look pretty!" I said with a smile, daddy chuckled a little "I'm glad that I have you here to make our house look pretty, princess" he said as he hugged my waist.

As we played for hours on end, we started to nearly finish building our house "daddy now we just have to put down the decorations! Can I make it look pretty daddy? Please!" I said with a small pout "of course princess" he said as he went to go make some things on the crafting table.

But then I saw it... a creeper coming towards our house "daddy look out its a creeper! He's going to blow up our house! I said in a frantic voice "don't worry baby I'll kill him, no one makes my baby sad" he said as he started to kill the creeper with a sword "thank you daddy! You saved me and our pwetty house!" I said as I hugged him "it's okay little one i mean that's what I'm here for, to love you, care for you and protect you from things that will try to hurt you"
Hello lovely's I hope you liked this :)

Love - moon 🌙

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