Aizawa x reader x present mic *we missed you*

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Hello lovely's! I'm back from my holiday and it went...okay. It could have been a lot better, but I'll just remember next time not to invite that person on a holiday, because their kinda a downer :(
But at least now I can go into little space and write on this book again! Also she/her/they/them for this chapter.

Also follow my Twitter, if you want!    @callme_moons
Aizawa's POV
Today me and mic are coming home from our mission, it was a longer mission then usual and went for 4 days. We're both excited to get home because it's been such a long time since seeing our lovely y/n, I hope their okay. Me and mic walk by a bakery and I look in the window and see a cookie decorating activity "mic look, do you think y/n would like that?" I asked as I moved my head towards the window

"Oh yeah! I bet she would love it! Let's get it for them as a sorry present for being away for so long!" Mic said with a smile "alright then let's go and buy it, hopefully this will help make them feel better" I said as me and mic walked into the bakery.

Time skip to when they got the cookie decoration thingy and went home (I don't know how to explain it but it's basically cookies in shapes and then your given icing to decorate them with, like a gingerbread house!)

As we pulled up in the drive way I could see up in the window that y/n saw us and then they ran down the stairs "well it looks like she's excited to see us" I said in a happy tone as we got out of the car and walked up to the front door.

Before mic could even open the door they opened the door and jumped into both of our arms "daddy papa! I mwissed you so much" they said In a little voice "aw we're happy to see you too!" Mic said with a smile.

"Hello sweetie, were you good while we where gone?" I asked and then kissed their forehead "yes daddy and papa I was good I even cleans the house!" She said with a smile "I'm glad to hear that baby!" Mic said.

I picked them up before we continue to walk into the house, I sat her down on the couch in between me and mic "so how old are you today sweetie?"I asked with a smile.

Y/n's POV
"I  feel like I'm 1-3 today daddy" I said as I held up 1-3 fingers "aw your so little today sweetie, did you start to feel more little from the excitement of me and daddy coming home today?" Papa asked with a smile "maybe just a wittle bit" I said with a smile

"If your feeling that little baby, do you maybe want to wear a pull up?" Daddy asked "hmm otay daddy!" I said as I made grabbie hands to him "okay sweetie let's get you changed then" he said as he picked me up. They both have walked up the stairs and into my room.

Daddy then sat me down on my changing table "so little one what pull up do you want to wear? The bunny, candy, dinosaur or the kitty print?" He asked as he held up the options "can I pwease have that one dada" I said pointing to the patten I wanted.

Time skip to being changed 🌿

"Alright baby now that your all sorted me and daddy have a surprise set up for you!" Papa said with a big smile "oh wha is it" I said as I jumped up and down "well you have to follow us to the kitchen to find out!" He said as he took my hand and walk with me down the stairs.

When we got down stairs I saw some cookies set up with some icing and sprinkles in different shapes and sizes "wow! When did you guys set this up!" I said in an excited tone "while daddy was changing you papa came down here and sat it up" daddy said with a smile.

"So what shape do you want little one?" Papa asked. I saw there was a lot of options like a flower, cat, bunny, moon, star and a leaf "hmm can I pwease have that shape?" I said making grabbie hands to the shape I wanted "of course sweetie" daddy said as he handed it to me "now what do we say little one?" Papa asked "tank u" I said with a smile "good girl" daddy said.

"Hmm well I think I'm going to do the kitty one, what about you mic?" Daddy asked papa "I think I'll go with the one in the shape of a star, because I'm a star!" Papa said with a grin.

We decorated so many cookies! And they all looked amazing, but papa and daddy said mine was the best! :3 I'm glad we got to spend time together after being away from each other for so long. I really missed my papa and daddy, they make me smile when I'm down and help me learn to love myself more and more each day.

Hello my lovely's, sorry for the ending being a bit out of the blue, I didn't really know what else to put. Thank you to the person that requested this, sorry for not doing really what you asked for :( but I hope you still like it! <3

Love - moon 🌙

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