Reader x ? + tsu + deku *helping our friend*

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Disclaimer this is not a ship, they are just y/n's friends trying to help them. Also sorry for the long break AGAIN, I've been really busy with things, like my musical (we did all our performances last week) so that took up a lot of time and energy and I just had work and other stuff going on so, sorry. Also no promises I'm back to a normal schedule.
PRONOUNS: they/them. INCLUDES: stuffie, snacks and sippy.
Deku's pov

We had just got back from a long tiring fight with some villains Tsu, y/n and I. We all had a long day so when we got back to the dorms we were so sleepy and everyone else was already asleep from how late it was! "Ribbit y/n why do you look so sad?" I heard Tsu ask y/n I then turned to look at them and I did notice as well that they looked a bit down.

"I-I just feel didn't need me there your fine without me a-and you guys are so much more stronger then me I-I just don't know if's I'll actually be able to be a hero.." y/n said with tears falling from their eyes. Me and Tsu rushed over to y/n's side to comfort them "no, no don't say that! Your so strong and brave, I think your an amazing hero y/n, and we all have our good qualities that make us hero's!" I Said as I hugged them.

They started to cry more "hey! Ribbit  he's right and remember you saved me in the end! And we couldn't have done it without your help!" Tsu said. Y/n started to fidget with their hands "y/n?" I asked "I-I lie...u jus say twat" they said "no we wouldn't do that Ribbit, are you okay?" Tsu asked rubbing their back.

"N-no! I wants dada! I w-want daddy!" They cried out, me and Tsu looked at each other shocked. We already knew what was going on with y/n, this was little space, it's easy to tell because we have another little in our class, denki. But we had no idea about y/n being a little.

"Um I think their in-" "yeah I know Ribbit" we said to each other "wait so then...who's their caregiver?" I asked looking at Tsu "I have no idea" she said looking as confused as me. "Y/n, who's your daddy then sweetie?" I asked but they didn't say anything. "Well we have no time to think about this now we need to calm down y/n!" I said "yeah! Ribbit!" We then got to work on helping the little calm down.

"So y/n what do you want to eat? Deku's going to make you a snack and a drink so what do you want?" I asked looking at them "I wans strwabawwys! With sippy!" They said with a smile as their tears started to dry, "y/n do you have any toys in your room? Ribbit! I'll go get them for you!" Tsu said as she ran off to go get y/n their toys.

Tsu's pov

I ran up the stairs to y/n's room to get their stuffie as fast as I could, I didn't want to keep them waiting any longer.
When I got to their dorm I opened the door and walked in, I turned on the lights and I was shocked to see shinso laying in their bed "ribbit! Shinso what are you doing in y/n's room!" I said startled. He looked at me confused "I'm just waiting for them to get back from their mission with you...are they home or did something happen to them?" He asked looking at me.

"N-no their fine their just ah- uh" I said not knowing if I should tell him "what? What's wrong with them are they hurt?" He asked me getting up from the bed "well no their just in the common room with deku but you can't go out there" I said "why?" He asked "because ribbit" I said "...okay" shinso then proceeded to walk around me and out the door. I quickly grabbed a stuffie and ran after him "wait no shinso! Ribbit! You can't!" I ran after him but it was too late he was already in the common room... oh no....

Y/n's pov

I was sitting at the table drinking my sippy and eat my strawberry's when I heard running down the stairs. I looked up from my bowl of strawberries and deku stoped playing with my hair. I could then see shinso and Tsu run into the room "I-I'm sorry y/n he didn't listen to me and I-I ribbit I don't know if he knows but-" I got out of my chair suddenly "daddy!" I yelled as I ran up to him, he lifted me up into his arms and I wrapped my legs around him "oh, so that's who their caregiver is" deku said.

"Yes I'm their caregiver, why were you trying to keep me away from my precious little Tsu?" Daddy asked tsu. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that you were their caregiver and just in case you didn't know I didn't want you to find out without y/n's consent ribbit!" Tsu said in a sorry tone

"It's okay tsu, i forgive you and thank you guys for looking after them, I had no idea they had slipped, we're you a good little for deku and tsu?" Daddy turned and asked me "yep I was te bwest wittle!" I said as I hugged him "I'm glad to hear, well I'm sorry for the trouble guys, if this happens again just call me, also I think it's time we go to bed, right baby?" He asked me "mhm!" I responded as I pushed my face into his chest.

Daddy started to go to the stairs but we were stoped. "Wait! Ribbit, here's your stuffie y/n!" Tsu handed me my favourite stuffie "oo tank u Tsu!"


Hello lovely's, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot, I actually used a random generator to choose which characters should be in this oneshot, and I really liked this so I think I'll do it more often!

Love - moon 🌙

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