Shigaraki x reader *cuddle + nap time*

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Hello lovely's you get two chapters tonight because I'm in a good mood so hopefully you like this one, Also this was the only they/them request I've gotten so sorry to the people that go by they/them but there isn't going to be any chapters coming up with your pronouns for a bit ☹️ INCLUDES: stuffies PRONOUNS: they/them
Y/n's pov

I was playing with my stuffies in my room. It was around 3 o'clock meaning that I was going to have my snack soon and then have my nap. Usually I would be more mad about nap time but today I was pretty sleepy. "Hey baby, daddy cut up some (favourite fruit) for you I also got you some (favourite juice) in your sippy cup" I heard daddy say from the doorway.

I turned around and looked at him, I then made grabbie hands to him "dada I'ms sweepy...can you fweed me?" I asked with puppy eyes. "Of course little one, here let me just..." daddy then got on the floor and pulled me into his lap so I was facing away from him. He then picked up the cut up (fruit) with a fork "say ahh" he asked me "ahh" I responded as I ate the piece "good baby" he said, he then rubbed my back.

He then brought the juice to my mouth "do you want to try and drink some baby? I know when your sleepy your not hungry" he said "I'll try daddy" I said. I didn't eat much of my snack but daddy was still proud of me for trying. "You did so good baby, I'm so proud of you, you even drank half of your juice, but now let's Get you changed into some sleeping clothes" he said.

He then brought me over to the changing table, he laid me down and got me a onesie, he changed me gently but then he turned around again "I got a little present for you while daddy was out on one of his missions I hope you like it, little one" he said as he then showed me a stuffie "aw it's so cute dada tank you!!" I said as I hugged him and the stuffie. "I'm glad you liked it Angel, now let's go lay down. Daddy's pretty tired too so I'll join you for nap time little one" he said "yay does that mean I get daddy's cuddles?" I asked "yes baby you can have all of the cuddles and snuggles you want" he said.

He then picked me you and walked to our bedroom, he placed me on the bed gently before he got in on his side of the bed. When he got in he brought me closer to me and hugged me "I love you so much little one, I know that I'm the one that's meant to take care of you but, just having you here with me calms me and makes me feel so loved" he said, he then kissed me forehead.

"I wove you too dada and you makes me feel safe to be little and like you care abouts me" I said "thank you little one, sorry to make it deep when we're trying to sleep, what do you want to do with daddy tomorrow?" He asked me, I could see that he had a little smile on his face I hugged my stuffie tighter before answering "hmmm can we play some video gwames together?" I asked "of course baby, daddy would love to" he said. Me and daddy talked for a bit before we actually feel asleep.

Shigaraki's pov

My little one had asked me about a game that I liked to play so I started to explain the lore, as I was getting to the end of my explaining I could hear light snoring, I looked down to my chest and y/n was asleep, snoring into my chest, I chuckled softly to myself "good night baby, sweet dreams" I said, I then gave them one last kiss on the forehead before drifted of to my own slumber.

I hope you guys liked this, sorry if it's not good I got a bit sleepy while writing this also thank you all so much for 34k reads :D I'm so happy! Also hope you have a lovely night/day. And on that note good night, I'm going to sleep.

Love - moon 🌙

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