monoma x reader *don't run from me sweetie* part 2

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Hello lovely's I don't really have much to say this time, but thank you for always supporting me and giving me requests to write for you (:
TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ yandere themes, mentioning of kidnapping and other things.
Plot: okay so basically monoma has joined the villains and they won the battle against the hero's, so now he is up there ruling the city with other powerful villains. He got in contact with overhaul and got the drug to take away your quirk so it would be harder for you to escape. It's been about two years since he's taken you and locked you up in the mansion.

Y/n's pov
It's been so long since I've been outside of the house, well sure I'm aloud to go in the backyard but there's a massive gate stoping me from escaping! And it doesn't help that monoma took away my quirk. I feel so sad, just sitting here all day pretending to be happy. I haven't genuinely regressed in so long... I kinda miss it, but if I regress then I don't know what he will do.

But I just can't help it! The little side of me is screaming at big me to give in and regress, there's all of these stuffies around me that I'm trying not to look at because if I do it makes it worse! There's even a draw full of cute pacis I could use, or even play dress up with all of the cute little clothes! {no stop y/n you can't! Then he's won} I think to myself

Well it's to late... little me's already taken over and started to look for a little outfit to wear, I picked out a cute outfit and put it on but I did struggle a bit because of me feeling small. Then I picked out a paci that matched my outfit. As I was going to leave my room I looked over at the stuffies and decided to bring a bunny stuffie with me.

I'm on a mission to find daddy! I look all threw out the house and can't find him, until I remember he has  a office that is hidden behind a book shelf. I walked over to the book shelf stuffie in my hand, paci in my mouth. I pulled the special book daddy showed me to pull if I needed to find him. The book shelf opens and I can see daddy writing stuff on paper.
I run into the room.

Monoma's pov
It was 7 in the morning, I hadn't made y/n breakfast yet because they usually wake up at 8:30 so I was working on a plan for an upcoming mission instead when I can hear my door open. "Daddy! Daddy! Can we pwease pway! I want pway outside!" Y/n said as they ran into the room up to me.

{...I can't believe they finally regressed naturally and aren't faking it! It's been two years since y/n has actually regress for me well since I killed our friends and kidnapped them...but it was all worth it! Because they finally gave into their little side} I think to my self "aw come here baby" I say as I open my arms to them, they run into my arms with their stuffie and hug me "dada can we pway soon I missed you!" They said

"Of course sweetie but daddy just needs to finish off some work first but you can sit in daddy's lap while he does it, okay?" I ask "yeah! I gets to sit in daddy's lap!" They say "yes you do baby!" I say as I lift them into my lap an face them so that their head is resting on my shoulder and their leg's are wrapped around my waist.

I try to continue to do my work but all I can do is freak out on the inside about how happy I am that they finally regressed, they even chose to wear little clothes and have a paci, before I would have to fight tooth and nail to get them to at least act regressed.

Time skip to work being done

"Alright baby now we can go play in the backyard!" I said, I picked up y/n and sat them on my hip as I walked towards the exit of my office "ooo yay daddy, can I play on te swings?" They asked "anything you want baby" I said. When we got to the backyard I sat them down on the swing and started to push them "daddy go higher!" They said I pushed them higher.

I had a lot of fun seeing my baby happy on the swing but I started to notice that they were zoning out "hey Angel what are you looking at?" I asked as I slowed down on swinging them "daddy... what's behind that big gate and why can you go out of it but...I can't?" They asked

I stopped swinging completely thinking about all of the things that could happen to them if they went out there... I remembered the people that tried to take my baby away from me... I'm their daddy they need me...what idiots.

Y/n's pov

Daddy didn't say anything and he stoped swinging me "daddy? What are yo-" I tried to say before being picked up by daddy. He pulled me close to his chest and put and hand behind my head making me rest me head against his shoulder, I then wrapped my legs around he waist "baby...we don't talk about that, all you need to know is that it's not for babies like you, you're to little and innocent for the outside world" he said

He then took me inside and placed me in my high chair "now daddy's going to make breakfast for us but y/n...don't ever ask that again, I don't even want you to think about it, understand?" He asked looking at me with a serious look "y-yes daddy"

"good baby, now do you want f/f or other f/f?"

Hello Lovely's I hope you liked this, have a good day/night I'm going to bed now because I'm so sleepy.

Love - moon 🌙

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