Shoji x reader *my sick baby*

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Hello lovely's I only have one request to go! I hope you all really like this one because I really liked writing it (: they/them
Shoji's POV

It was weird today after I got home, y/n wasn't at the door to hug me when I got home, they didn't run into my arms and tell me how much they missed me. They weren't there.

As I walked into the house more I noticed how quiet it was {okay now this is weird first they didn't run into my arms as soon as I walked in the door, second it's really quiet, usually they would have a cartoon playing on the tv full volume} I think to myself as I put my bag down.

"Baby, where are you?" I say trying to find out where they are in the house, I hear some coughing before I hear them answer "daddy I'm up in my room... I don't feel well" they said. After hearing that I make my way upstairs and walk to their room.

The door is open and when I go inside I can see they are laying on their bed with tissues all around them, they also have a movie playing on the tv but it on a very low volume "sweetie what's wrong with you? Please tell daddy in what why your sick so daddy can try to make you feel better" I said as I walked over to them and sat down next to them.

Y/n's POV
Daddy came and sat down next to me, he then put his hand on my forehead "aw sweetheart you feel so warm you must have a fever but are there any other things wrong with you right now?" He asked as he looked into my eyes "yes I feel really hot when you touch me but I feel really cold and I have a cough and my tummy hurts" I said with a frown.

"Oh my poor baby, what can daddy do to make you feel better?" He asked as he hugged me "well can you please take off you mask then get changed out of your hero uniform and bring me some medicine and then! We can cuddle!" I said with a smile "of course sweetie I'll be back I five minutes"

Time skip

"Okay baby I'm done, I got you some medicine, i hope it's okay" he said as he sat down on the bed. I looked at the bottle and saw it was the one that tastes yucky "daddy that the one that tastes yucky! Can I please have the one that tastes like strawberries?" I asked with puppy eyes "no sweetie I'm sorry but this one is the one that will help with your coughing, tummy and your fever" he said

"If you have it I'll give you a little present for being a good little for daddy, okay?" He said "hmm okay" I said. Daddy then measured up the amount of medicine I had to have "alright little one now open your mouth please" he said as he brought the spoon to my mouth, I opened my mouth and drank it.

"That was gross!" I said as I stuck my tongue out "I know little one but I'm so proud of you for doing it so now you get to get your present for being good" he said as he reached into a bag and pulled out a cute stuffie (you can only pick one, sorry)

"That was gross!" I said as I stuck my tongue out "I know little one but I'm so proud of you for doing it so now you get to get your present for being good" he said as he reached into a bag and pulled out a cute stuffie (you can only pick one, sorry)

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When I saw it a picked it up from daddy's hands and Brough it close to my chest "thank you daddy I love it! It's so cute!" I said as I hugged it even tighter "well I'm glad to hear you like it little one, but now I think me and you should have a n...

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When I saw it a picked it up from daddy's hands and Brough it close to my chest "thank you daddy I love it! It's so cute!" I said as I hugged it even tighter "well I'm glad to hear you like it little one, but now I think me and you should have a nap together, maybe it will make you feel better"

He said and then he laid down next to me, he brought me closer to him and hugged me with all of his arms "goodnight sweetie I hope you feel better when we wake up" he said "goodnight daddy" I then said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Hello I hope you liked reading this one lovely's and I hope you all have a good night/day (: <3

Love - moon 🌙

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