Shoto x reader *it's okay sweetie, daddy's here*

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Hello Lovely's! Guess who's on school holidays's me! I'm so excited and I can't wait for Easter also hope you have a lovely day/night. INCLUDES: diapers, paci and stuffie PRONOUNS: she/her
Shoto's pov

I was reading a book in bed, it was 11 o'clock. It was a particularly cloudy night tonight, I could hear the patter of rain on the roof and window, the wind swayed the leaves in the night sky. As I was looking out the window I could hear some whimpering coming from beside me, I looked down and my little had a sad look on her face, she was still asleep.

I put my book down and put my attention of her, I had to see if she was having a nigh terror. I didn't want to wake her up yet just in case it wasn't one because I know how hard it is for her to fall back asleep. She tossed and turned but when she started to cry I decided that it was most likely I nightmare. So I decided to wake her up gently.

Y/n's pov

I was having a horrible night terror, I had been getting a lot lately and as it was getting to the really scary part I woke up. I woke up to daddy shaking my lightly "hey baby, are you okay? I saw you were having a bad dream little one" he said, I could feel the tears rolling down my face, I then started to cry more. I crawled into his lap and hugged him as I cried "oh baby, I'm so sorry daddy didn't wake you up sooner, here (teddy's name) wants to hug you, love" he said as he handed me my favourite teddy.

I brought the teddy close to my chest and hugged it back "daddy I-I was so scawed I-I somthings bads nearly happened tows y-you" I cried into his chest more "it's okay sweetie, daddy's here and I'm fine, you're such a brave princess for daddy aren't you?" He asked me I didn't answer because of my crying but I nodded "good girl, yes you are, you're my precious little girl, how about daddy changes you into some little clothes?" He asked me, I nodded my head yes.

Daddy picked me up and walked to my playroom where my changing table was, he laid me down on it and went to go get a change of clothes from the closet. When he walked back up to me he sat the clothes beside me and grabbed a paci "here you go baby" he said as he put the paci gently in my mouth (everything y/n says from now on will be said with the paci in her mouth) I cuddled my stuffie while he changed me into a diaper and onesie. "Okay baby now that that's done let go lay down" he said.

He then picked me up and walked back to our bedroom. He sat down on the bed with me in his lap, he then wrapped a blanket around the both of us, It was my favourite fluffy blanket. He turned to his phone and put on the calming music he usually plays to try and help me sleep. He laid down and pulled me down with him so I would be laying on next to him.

"Are you feeling a little better now princess?" He asked me as he rubbed the back of my head "yes daddy, tank u" I said, I then hugged him with my teddy "I'm glad to hear that little one, I'll always be here to help and protect you baby" he said "I'm sorry I didn't wake you up sooner, I just didn't know if it was I nightmare yet" he said, he then kissed me on the forehead "I'm so sorry you have to have these horrible dreams little one" he said to me.

"It's okie dada it's not yous fault *yawn* I'ms justs happie I have a cool dada like you" I said, I then gave him a kiss on the hand "I loves you daddy" I said "I love you too Angel, good night" he said "good nights dada, i wove you" I said as my eyes closed and I drifted of to a dream land with no monsters and no bad things happing to the people I love.

Hello Lovely's sorry I took a break I was pretty busy with things like holiday homework and also I had a shopping trip with a friend on Monday and I got some cute things. But I'm really sorry and I will try to update more but that most likely won't happen because I have a lot more things coming up.

Love - moon 🌙

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