Deku x reader x bakugou *lost and found*

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Hello lovely's, this is the first of many requests I'm doing, honestly this is going to take a while because I have a lot to go through, also I'm going to be slower because I'm sick. INCLUDES: pull ups and sippys PRONOUNS: SHE/HER
Bakugou's pov

"Here baby, daddy made you a sippy before we go to the park" I said as I handed y/n the sippy cup. She looked up at me and smiled "tank you daddy!" She said as she took it from me and then started to drink it. "Kacchan let's go! I've got everything we need in my bag for y/n now" deku said as he walked into the room "hello me sweet girl, are you ready to go with daddy and dada to the park?" Deku asked in a sweet voice.

"Ya! I wants to pway on all the slides and go on the swings!" Y/n said as she did a happy dance "I'm glad to hear that baby! Do you have your pull-ups on?" He asked her. She shook her head "what? Did silly daddy forget to put one on you baby?" He asked, he then picked y/n up "sorry, I knew I was forgetting something" I said as I got up to take her from deku.

"No it's okay katsuki I'll change her, how about you put the stuff in the car?" Deku asked me "hmf fine" I said as I went off to put the stuff in the car while deku changed y/n. Once I was done I sat in the car and waited for them. After a few minutes had past they came outside, deku put y/n in her car seat and he then hopped in the front with me and then we left.

Y/n's pov

When Daddy, dada and I got to the park I was so excited to see all of the playground equipment "daddy! Can you pwease unbuckle Me I wants to go pway!" I said wiggling in my seat "yes baby but calm down, it's not going to disappear" daddy said laughing a bit at me wiggling around. Once he unbuckled me I ran into the playground and sat on the swings, I then saw another little on the swing next to me.

He had blonde hair with a black lightning bolt on their hair "Hi! My name's y/n what's yours! I really like your hair!" I said as I turned to them "My names denki! And thanks I like your onesie!" He said "can we be friends?" I asked with a smile "yeah! Oh and that's my mommy and daddy over there!" He said pointing to a tall man and woman, both of them had dark purple hair, the women had short hair and the man had messy hair that shot out at all different directions, kinda like my daddy's!

"Those are my daddy's over there!" I said pointing to them "the one with green hair is my dada and the one with blonde hair is my daddy" I said happily "wow that's so cool! I've never met another little that has two caregivers!" Denki said "me neither!" I said looking at denki "since we're friends now, let me show you my super top secret friends hangout!" Denki said taking my hand and leading me behind some trees and bushes, I was then met with a path that he told me to walk down with him.

Deku's pov

Me and katsuki had been talking for a while and I look over to the swings y/n was on but I see no y/n, I then look around the whole park and still no y/n. "Katsuki! Where did y/n go?" I asked him "oh sh*t I don't know! Where do you think she went?" Katsuki asked "I don't really know maybe we should ask some people" I said "good idea" katsuki  responded.

I walked up to a couple to ask them "hello I'm sorry to bother you, but have you seen a little girl she's about this high, she has (eye colour) eyes and (hair colour and length) hair and she also has (skin colour) skin" I asked "yeah we did she was playing on the swings, right?" The woman asked "yes she was!" I said "yes we did see her she was playing with our little boy, denki" the man said "so do you know where she could be?" I asked

"Yes I'm pretty sure that denki would have taken her to the "secret hangout" as he calls it" the man said "so where's that" Bakugou asked him "here we'll take you there and I'm so sorry we keep telling him not to do that with people he doesn't know" the women said as she lead us threw some bushes and then she told us to follow her down a path, so we did.

As we got to the end of the path I could see y/n swinging on the swings with a boy who I guess must be denki. When y/n saw us she started to run towards us.

Y/n's pov

As I was swinging on the swings I saw daddy and dada come out of the bushes with denki's caregivers, I jumped off of the swings and ran towards them "daddy, dada! Look my new friend showed me a secret playground!" I said as I ran up to them. I then jumped into dada's arms "that's nice sweetie but you can't go off with people we don't know, or go places with out telling us" daddy's said.

"Oh I'm sorry...I didn't know, did you meet denki's caregivers already!" I asked in excitement "yeah they helped us fine you sweetie but it's time to go home now, we need to have dinner" dada said to me, I frowned "Nuu I don't want to leave denki he's my friend" I said "ah, ah , ah don't start getting bratty with me baby" daddy said to me "well can me and denki have a play date one day, then" I asked with puppy eyes

"Yes baby you guys can one day, here dada can take you back to the car while me and his caregivers talk about it, how does that sound baby?" Daddy asked me "yay! Bye denki!" I shouted as dada walked away with me in his hip.


Sorry I really went off of what the request wanted... I hope you still like it though, but if you don't I can rewrite it for you.

Love - moon 🌙

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