Izuku x reader *Daddy's got you now*

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Hello lovely's, how have you all been going? I've been pretty busy, I've finished all my year 11 exams except for business management which I have on Monday so hopefully that goes well but anyways 🙃...
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS:none  TRIGGER WARNING: kinda panic attack, reader just stressed af, also mentions of exams ... 😬

Y/n's pov

I can feel myself slowly starting to slip in and out of little space as I try to stay focused on my task at hand, which is the final exams, which are in a week. I can feel myself also starting to get angry at myself for falling into little space at such a horrible time.

{seriously why does this only happen at bad times, why can't little me just go away for once and stop being annoying!} I then slammed my hands down on the table in anger. I didn't realise how hard I hit the desk until I could feel the aching pain in my palm. I then pulled my hands to my chest, holding them in each other, sliding down onto the floor and started crying. Little me won. Again.

??? Pov

"Hey did you hear that bakubro" kirishima asked me "of course I did kiri" I said in annoyance to the rhetorical question. "I think that y/n having another...emotional breakdown?..." kirishima said "do you think we should-" I interpreted him before he could finish "yes of course, I wouldn't just let y/n be left alone to deal with that. But I'm not dealing with that...so that means I'll have to call Deku." I said as I reached for my phone

"Wait why don't you want to check on them" kiri asked with a puzzled look "because I've tried and It doesn't work, the only person that can calm down y/n when their like this is their caregiver, Deku."

Time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I continued to cry into my knees, as I had them pulled to my chest. I rubbed my hand to try and soothe the pain, but it just felt like it was getting worse. I was so spaced and not aware of my surroundings because of this that I didn't even hear knocking at my door.

Izuku's pov

After I got kacchan's call I ran as fast as I could to y/n's room. When I got there I could hear the crying from outside their dorm. I gently knocked on the door at first, trying to not scare them. When I didn't get an answer I knocked a bit louder, still nothing. "Y/n, sweetie are you okay it Izuku!" I said hoping that would get their attention.

I can then hear the crying slow and then hear a soft squeaky "d-daddy?" And sniffing after that. After I knew that I had their attention and they knew I was going to come in I quickly opened the door and closed it behind. When I look to where my little is my heart breaks, seeing them with tears running down their face, curled into themselves as if trying to protect themselves from something. It enough to make any caregiver cry.

"Oh my poor sweetheart" I then move to kneel in front of them and I pat their head softly. They grab onto my shirt and with out a second thought I sit down and pull them into my lap, cradling their head with one hand and rubbing their back with the other "shh, shh it's okay honey, daddy's here now. Are you able to tell me what's wrong baby?" I asked softly.

Y/n let's out a quiet sob before speaking "I-I gots a boo boo" they say weakly "oh sweetie...how did that happen where is it?" I asked. "My hwands" they say and bring their hands to my face "oh baby, would it make it better if I kissed it?" I asked soothingly "wes pwease daddy" they say, I then gently kissed both hands one at a time.

"Now how did they get hurt little one" I asked, wanting to know "well...I gots mad and stwessed and I just... slammed them on the table cause I was angy also because I was slipping when I no wants to" they said to me.

"Sweetie, please don't ever hurt yourself again from being angry, mad or stressed. Next time you feel this way please just call me, you know daddy's always here for you" I said, I then looked at their face and they started to tear up again "I sowwy I just thought that's maybe you to busy for mwe..." they said.

I made a shocked look on my face to that "honey, I'm never too bust for you. No matter what I'll always make time for you when you need me, okay?" They wrapped their hands back around my head and hugged my tightly "yes daddy, I knows from now on"

"Okay good to know sweetie. Now let's get some cream for that boo boo and some (f/f), because what can food not solve?"

Hello lovely's I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I actually really liked it. Hope you guys have a great night/day.

Love - moon 🌙

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