Kirishima x reader x ? + bakusquad *helping*

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Hello lovely's, felt like updating again, hope you enjoy this.
PRONOUNS: they/them. ITEMS: paci, stuffie, onesie. TRIGGER WARNING: bakugo may say bad words... also monoma.
Kirishima is your caregiver and has been for like a year. It's your third year in UA, you hand out with him and the bakusquad. They all know about your age regression and are very supportive of it, they help take care of you sometimes when little. But recently you have been refusing to age regress and saying that you didn't feel little or need it. This puts all of them on edge and leaves them confused, especially your caregiver kirishima.

Kirishima's pov

I sit with bakugo, sero and denki at our usual lunch table. Mina and y/n came late out of class to stay back to talk to the teacher so we can see them waiting in the lunch line. I sigh feeling a bit upset. Bakugo immediately picks up on it "what's wrong shitty hair?... what happened to that dumb grin you always have on?" Bakugo asks in a cocky tone, but we can all tell he actually cares... he just doesn't want to admit it.

"Ah... it's nothing bakubro... I don't want you or the others worrying about me. I'm fine" I say and smile, it's a bit forced. Sero chuckles "you're a bad liar kirishima. Really what's up...?" Sero says with a smile. Denki slurps up his noodles and responds before I can "oh! Oh! I know what the problem is... it's about y/n isn't it...? Them not going into little space for awhile and refusing too" denki says and winks at me "I'm right aren't I?" He says with a smirk.

My eyes widen a bit "how did... how did you know it was that?" I ask a bit shocked "because I know you bro... I can tell what's upsetting my bro... also we've all been worry about them too..." denki says the last part shyly. Sero nods his head in agreement. "You have...?" I ask. Bakugo groans "of course we have! Their our friend too and we care about them too. We also care about the way it's effected you..." bakugo says softly with a scowl on his face.

I smile "thanks guys that means a lot... and yeah I am worried about them... I don't know why they're doing this... or if something happened that made them not want to regress... but I really need to talk to them about this! But every time I try to they change conversation or say they don't want to talk about it!" I say in an upset tone. They all nod their heads understanding why I feel that way.

Before we can say anything else Mina and y/n sit down at the table with us. "Hey guys sorry we were late! We needed to talk to Mr aizawa about an extension for our project..." Mina says with a nervous giggle "you guys still haven't finished that...?" Bakugo asks Mina and y/n with a frown "look... okay we chose a bad topic and we're struggling to work with it!" Y/n says in a whine, defending them and Mina.

Mina then leans over to me "can I talk to you in private?" She asks giving me a *this is serious look*. I nod my head and we get up, leaving bakugo, sero, denki and y/n at the table.

We walk a bit away from the table to make sure they can't hear us, before I can ask Mina anything she starts talking "y/n told me why they haven't been going into little space... they told me because they didn't want you to overreact... but you really need to know this..." Mina says in a worried voice. I'm immediately all ears and nod my head, showing her to go on. She sighs "about 3 weeks ago... y/n slipped into little space in the middle of school... at that time they weren't with us because of having a meeting with aizawa about something. So obviously they went to go find us... and then they ran into monoma. Y/n, at the time was holding their stuffie and monoma started making fun of them and called them... mean names... and was just being an asshole in general..." Mina says.

She takes a breath before she continues "but... monoma said to them something along the lines of "you're so selfish, you're holding back your caregiver, kirishima from becoming stronger or focusing on his work... and you should have never got into UA to start with if you're going to act like a child... it's pathetic" that's about what monoma said..." Mina says in an upset tone.

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