king bakugou x reader *i know you're little*

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Hello lovely's, sorry I haven't posted in a while, also if you haven't already guessed this is a different au and also I hope you like this. Also reader is a maid that works for the Bakugou's just doing things like cleaning cooking and other stuff. Also bakugou kinda picks on y/n but not really at the same time.

PRONOUNS: they/them INCLUDES: mention of stuffie, paci and onesie and lots of cuddles :D
No ones POV

It was a beautiful day in the kingdom of musutafu, like it usually was. But the kingdom was very busy in the lead up to the celebration of the king's birthday (I know katsuki's birthday has already passed) decorations had been placed throughout the kingdom and presents were sent to his castle. It was all going perfectly for the most part, but one little was not having such a good day in the lead up to the king's birthday, that was only a week away.

Y/n's pov

{this is too hard! Why do I have to dust every book in the library just for the king's birthday?!? No one will even be in the library for the celebration! This is ridiculous} I thought to myself as I dust the 47th book out of the thousands. I let out a sigh as I put down that book and moved onto the next. {and it would help if I didn't feel little at this time, I knew I shouldn't have started off with the children's books...} I think to myself.

As I'm repeating the process of dusting books I can hear the library door open from across the room. I get a little startled and drop the book I had in my hands. "Ah their you are y/n!" I can hear a voice yell from across the room, it's king bakugou. "Oh I'm sorry sir I didn't know you were looking for me" I say as I tern to look at him.

"It's fine, I've found you now anyways" by this time he has walked to me and is now standing in front of me, he says nothing... " what did you need my king?" I ask as I start to fiddle with my sleeves "I want you to Polish my boots" he says.

"...what?" I said "what do you mean what? I said I want you to polish my shoes" he said with a more dominant voice "but have a shoe polisher, why don't you go to him? I'm sorry to tell you but I don't know how to polish shoes...I wasn't trained in that..." I say with an awkward tone.

"Don't worry about it you'll do fine" and before I can protest he sits down in the chair next to us and puts up his foot on the ottoman. "Here is the cloth and polish. Don't keep me waiting y/n." He says with a smirk "...okay sir..." I then Neal down and start to polish his boot, as best I can. "Hmmm what do we have here" he says as he grabs a book for the shelf next to him.

I look up and can see he has a children's story book. "Ah little red ridding hood, didn't you used to like this when you were little?" He asked me "um, yes I guess I did my king" I said confused "oh good then, let me read it to you, it might make you feel a little less stressed" he said {oh my god...! No please don't not right now, I was already feeling little and if he reads me a story book I'm bound to slip!} "ah no it's fine really sir! I'm feeling okay!" I say "are you sure...? You don't need to lie to me y/n I mean, I've known you since we were kids. I can tell that you're stressed and that you're lying to me" he said

"...what do you mean by that?" I asked "why don't you put it together baby, or have you already slipped form me just talking about this?" I look up in shock and horror, and he's just smirking! "What? Didn't know?" He asked "I...well no...wait! How did you find out! Have you been watching me?" I asked "no, I didn't need to watch you to know, little one. We've been friends for so long, trust me I know more about you then you think" he said.

"Okay well that's a little creepy..." I said to him, he just grunted at that "no it's not! It's not like you don't know a lot about me right?" He asked, I just nodded because, well he was right. "All I want to know is why you didn't tell me. I'm your best friend, and your king. Why did you feel like you couldn't tell me?" He asked in a softer tone. At this point the little space was starting to get to me.

"W-well I didn't want you to t-think I'm weird, o-or think I'm gross...and no offence but you don't seem like the type that would be excepting of that kind of stuff..." I say with a frown "...I didn't know that's who you saw in me...but I get why you would think that, I mean the publicity of me isn't exactly the most "little excepting" person is it?" He asks with a small smile. I giggle a little at that "no, you look a wittle scawy" I say to him "aw really little one? Well... I guess you better run from the scary monster!" He then stands up from the chair and started to chase me around the library, I was giggling as I ran away from him.

As I was running to the door I felt two big arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. "I got you!" He said, we were both laughing at that point. I was huffing and puffing a bit from all of the running. "Aw is my little one feeling a little sleepy?" He asked me in a baby voice "wes... I wans go sweep in u bed dada" I said as I cuddled into his chest "Aw okay sweetie, do you want to get any of your little stuff before we go there?" He asked in a soft voice.

I then started nodding "yea! I wans to get my stuffie and paci!" I say with a smile "okay baby, let's go get that for you, hmm?" He asked with a smile, I nodded and then he started walking to my room.

Time skip

Bakugou's pov

Once I got to y/n's room I I sat them down on the bed "okay so where is your little stuff?" I asked them, they then pointed to the closet. I went to the closet and opened it. I saw a lot of stuffie and pacis, and even some onesie's "okay little one let's get you dressed in some little clothes and get the stuffie and paci" I said to them, they just nodded.

Time skip to being bake at Bakugou's room.

"Okay little one, this is dadas room, do you like it?" I asked them "wes it weally pwetty with the big window!" They said with a smile "Aw, well I'm glad to hear that sweetie, but why don't we go to bed now, daddy's a little sleepy as well" I said as I laid them on the bed. But I still had a very important question to ask y/n before we went to sleep. "Now y/n, you don't have to say yes but... I really enjoyed looking after you today and I want to take care of you everyday, I don't want you to look after me anymore, I want you to be my little and I'll be your daddy and protect you from evil, so will you let me be your caregiver?" I asked them as I kissed their forehead.

"I would wove to, but how will I be tha maid then if u no wans me to take cawe of u?" They asked me "well you won't be my maid anymore, you'll be my royal partner would you like that? I could give you anything you ever wanted" I say to them "I wove you dada Ans I wouldn't cawe if you had nothing I would still wans u to be my daddy, it not about money" they said to me as they hugged me.

"...I've never had someone that didn't want to use me for something y/ means a lot to hear that you would still want me even if I had nothing..." I could feel a tear falling from my eye, I was so moved my what they had said. "Nuu daddy! Don'ts cry! It okay I wove u no matter what! I'll always be your little and you'll always be my daddy! Okay?" They asked me with a smile "okay" I said. We then cuddled each other and took in the comfort of each other's presence as we laid in the moon light, before eventually drifting into slumber.


Hello lovely's! I hope you liked this and I know it's pretty long but I wanted to try and make up for lost time, also sorry that y/n and Bakugou's relationship in the oneshot is kinda all over the place lol, anyways have a nice night/day!

Love - moon 🌙

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