Hawks x reader *surprise*

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Hello lovely's I hope you're all doing amazing and had a great Christmas. I'm better now and don't have Covid also I went to moulin rouge on the 27th and omg it was amazing! I was front row so it was fantastic and I went with mum and had a lot of fun.
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: stuffie, little outfit, paci.
Y/n's pov

I let out a sigh as I close and lock the front door behind me, walking into keigo and i's apartment. I put down my keys and bag onto the kitchen counter before I slump over in exhaustion. {why was work so hectic today? What's up with all these new villains...} I think to myself. I then notice my stuffie laying on the floor next to my feet. I smile and pick it up, bringing it closer to my chest "what are you doing here (stuffies name)? Are you trying to make me slip into little space?... because you shouldn't... daddy's not here to take care of me... he's on a mission" I say to my stuffie.

But deep down inside I can feel my little side starting to come up to surface. {no... I can't be little yet! Just wait till he comes back from his mission} I think to myself. I walk to my playroom to put my stuffie away because if I am still around it, it may make me want to slip more. I go into my play room but I notice there is an outfit laid out on my little bed with a note on top of it.

I read the note and it says * Dear y/n. Here's a new outfit for when you go into little space while I'm gone, I also got you a matching new paci with it... I know you don't like slipping while I'm away but daddy could be gone for a week or more... so please slip while I'm gone. If you don't then you'll be a grumpy baby. And trust me I have eyes and ears to look out for this behaviour, so please just be little while I'm gone Angel. Love - daddy *

After I had read that... there was really no going back! The outfit he had got me was a (favourite colour) onesie and had some doves and swans on it, it had the matching paci and he also got me a new fluffy blankie. I smiled at this and picked up the onesie "well it is more comfortable then my hero costume..." I say out loud to myself, as if to try and convince myself that it's okay to slip. I put on the outfit and grab my paci, putting it in my mouth and then grab my stuffie and blankie taking them with me to lay on the couch.

I set up my blankie and stuffie on the couch and then go into the kitchen to grab my favourite snack and a drink, which I put in a sippy cup. Once I come back to the couch I sit down, wrapping the blankie around me and I put on my favourite movie/ show to watch when I'm little.

Time skip also you were asleep now, still y/n pov

I feel a tickle on my nose and open my eyes in surprise. I see in front of my face a small red feather...wait red feather? "Daddy? Daddy!" I say and I sit up from the couch and tumble onto the floor. I then hear a small chuckle from the kitchen "yes that's right Angel daddy's here." I look up and see daddy standing in the kitchen making a coffee "daddy!" I exclaim and run to him and hug his torso "I missed uuuu" I say into his chest. He pats my head and let's out a tired sigh "Aw I missed you too baby" he said and then kissed the top of my head.

he then picked me up and put me on the kitchen counter in front of him "you look so adorable in the new onesie I bought you sweetheart" he said admiring my onesie "tank u daddy I love it!" I say and then hug him again "I'm glad sweetie" he said, then patting my head again "wait why u back so soon daddy? U said u could be a week or more" I say in confusion. "Oh we had a little bit of a change in plans little one so I was sent back home early" he says and then gives me a kiss on the head.

"Yes there was a change in plans..." me and daddy both look to where the voice came from and it's Dabi standing on our balcony holding up one hand showing off his fire. I grab onto daddy in fear "w-why is dabi here daddy? How did he find us?" I ask worried into his ear "I don't know sweetie...dabi what do you want?" He whispered the first part to me and yelled the rest at dabi. Dabi then chuckled before breaking the glass to out balcony door and walking in.

"What do I want?... well firstly Shigaraki sent me to bring you back with me to the league of villains but there may be a change of plans... I never knew you were dating (hero name/ it can just be your normal name)..." dabi said and walked closer to us "stay away from us!" Daddy yelled and then picked me up off of the counter and hiding me behind him he then got out his feathers sending them towards dabi. Dabi burned them all in an instant "oh protective are we? Don't worry I won't hurt your baby... why don't you come and play with some villains doll... it'll be so much fun~" he says creepily walking closer to us. I shake my head no to his offer in fear.

"Dabi get away! I'm warning you..." daddy said getting his feathers ready again. Dabi laughs at this "you're so funny hawks... if you don't surrender right now... you and your little one will be Burt to a crisp... so what will it be?" He then gives a smirk at the end knowing he's won. Daddy hides his wings more from dabi signalling that he won't attack him "good boy hawks... you know what's best for you...now to make sure you won't do anything... give me them" he said pointing at me. Daddy let's out a gasp "what do you mean by give them to you?" Dabi lets out a chuckle "don't question me hawks... just do what I say"

All of sudden I then feel a cold presence behind me, I look and it's a portal. I'm grabbed by an unknown hand and are pulled into it "daddy!" I yell out to him, reaching for him as I'm pulled into the portal. Daddy tries to grab me and even jump in the portal with me but it's too late...I'm already gone...

Hello lovely's I hope you loved this also I might do a second part to this or leave it in a cliffhanger if I feel like it. Thanks for all the love and support, have a great day/night. Also this is my last post of 2023! So happy new years to everyone in only 5 hours it'll be 2024 for where I live.
Love - moon 🌙

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