dragon king bakugou x reader x drangon kiri *we'll try to make it better* part 2

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Hello lovely's this is part 2 to the oneshot above, hope you guys enjoy (: also! I did my business management exam and I think I did great and my teacher went through my practice exam with me and gave me help, so I think that helped me when I did the exam.
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: paci and stuffie TRIGGER WARNING: swearing, you were kidnapped but your not freaking out for some reason? 🙃
Y/n's pov

I slowly open my eyes letting them adjust to the light in the unfamiliar room. I sit up in, what I assume is a king sized bed and look around the room. The first thing that catches my attention is kirishima struggling to stay awake in a chair facing towards the bed. I'm a bit surprised to see him there and I'm also surprised that I'm not more scared. For some reason having him there makes me feel calm.

I get out of the bed and walk towards kirishima to get his attention, but when I get up close to him I see his sleeping face and I feel bad about waking him up so I don't. {I know it's bad and I might get in trouble and I have no idea what I'm doing...but maybe this is my chance to either escape to find daddy or snoop around to find out what could be going on between bakugou and my daddy} I think to myself.

I open the bedroom door quietly and close it behind me. I then see a long hallway with lots of doors on both sides. I decided to walk down the hallway a bit, maybe I would feel something towards one of the doors and open it? I did notice though that even though this castle Is definitely nice just like my daddy's, this one is a lot darker and it just looks more...gothic.

As I walk further I can start to hear voices coming from the end of it. I decided to hide behind the wall close to the opening and listen to what the people are saying.

- "I can't believe this is happening, like who would have thought huh? King Izuku telling us lies all this time and getting away with it...honestly what does he have against us?"
- "yeah! Like I don't know sero but it's just upsetting...like...I want a little! Their so cute and it's just no fair that the humans have been keeping 'em all to themselves!"
- " ugh I know! And did you see how cute the kings little was! Oh! They looked so peaceful sleeping in Kiri's arms...it kinda made me jealous that I couldn't hold them like that"
- "well the good news about that Mina is that kirishima said that we can meet them today! I really hope they like us, and maybe if we can make them feel safe enough around us they'll tell us some info on Izuku"
- "I reallly hope so too sero. Anyways! Let's go check on kiri and the little they should be waking up soon and I know kiri said he was fine on his own...butttt what if he falls asleep and they take this as their time to run?"
- "that would literally be a nightmare and...OMG COULD YOU IMAGINE WHAT BAKUGOU WOULD DO TOO US!??"

Hearing that they were going to start coming my way to check on me was enough to tell me that I should be heading back to the room. I turned around to walk back to the room and my face is met with a muscular chest. I scream out of shock and nearly fall on the floor but the person catches me. I look up and its bakugou. Wait Bakugou??

"Hello sweetie, why are you out of bed and where's Kirishima?" He asks me with a threatening smile "I-I um... I woke up ands kiri was sleeping so I let hims sleep but thens I wanted to walk around the castle... so I dids..." I say feeling nervous because I knew that was the wrong thing to say...probably.

"Yo Bakugou! You're back! Good to see you man and of course the little one" I turned around and a tall man with black hair said that "yeah boss, good to see your okay but why are you back so early?" A man with yellow hair with a lightning bolt symbol in his hair said. "Ooo hi little one! Omg their so cute can I hug them! Pleaseeee???" Asked a woman with pink hair and skin.

"Can you lot quite down!?! Also I'll answer all your questions soon after we have a very important meeting about what's going on. The fight is not over we just need to make plans as to what to do. Also you lot are hopeless! Did you even know this one here" he grabbed my forearm to make it clear.

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