Multiple characters x reader x sero *a very magical sleepover

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Hello lovely's, I had work today, and now I feel wittle, so enjoy. I hope you like this and I love writing about little sleepover because I feel like they would be so much fun! :D I wish I could have one, one day. But I don't have any little friends in real life :<

Anyways PRONOUNS: they/ them INCLUDES: stuffie, paci, little clothes and blankie

Plot: okay so basically this is y/n's birthday sleepover so all of the littles are invited over also they are all adults now and the theme for the sleepover is "magic/ magical" meaning that they can come dressed up as fairy tale character or things like fairies or dragons, you get what I mean?. Anyways on with that story.

Littles: Caregivers: Helpers:
- deku - shoto - bakugou
- denki - jirou + shinso - Kirishima
- Tsu - momo
- uraraka - iida

Sero's pov

{today is going to be perfect! It has to be for my little} I think to myself as I set up the party decorations. {Today is y/n's birthday and I can't wait for them to wake up and see the decorations for their party! This will be the best party they've ever had. To celebrate their birthday I have invited all of their little friends to come over for a sleep over, I hope they like it!} I think to myself.

"Daddy!" I can hear y/n yell from behind me "baby! Hey, happy birthday! Are you excited for the sleepover?" I ask as I pick them up and sit them of my waist "yea and they decorations look so pwetty!" They say with a big grin "we'll I'm glad to hear that you like it, and look daddy made your favourite breakfast!" I say as I point to the table with their favourite breakfast set out for them "oooo yay! Tank you daddy! I wove u!" They say and they give me a kiss on the cheek, "I love you too little one, now let's eat!"

Time skip to it being close to the party starting.

Y/n's pov
"Daddy can you help me with my costume!" I yell out as I try to put in my costume for the party (you can pick a favourite magical/fairytale character to be) "of course sweetie coming!" I hear daddy yell as he comes up the stairs. "Alright let's see here...okay so this goes here...and I zip, here? I think...uh, Oh wait there we go!" He says and I look in the mirror "aw you look so adorable baby, I'm glad you wanted to dress up as that it looks so cute on you" he said gushing over me. "Tank you daddy!" I then look at the time and see there's only ten minutes till everyone will be here "ooo look at the time dada people will be here soon!" I say

"You're right baby, let's go wait downstairs for everyone to come!" He says, he then picks me up and walks down straits.

After a few minutes of waiting and playing with the new toys daddy got me we heard a knock at the door. "Yay! Someone's here daddy! I'll get it!" I shout as I run to the door. I swing the door open and I can see everyone there. I then hear a collective "happy birthday y/n!" From everyone. Then all of my friends come in with their caregivers.

Once we had all settled down and I had be give lots of hugs, kisses and presents we all relaxed in the living room playing with toys together while daddy talked with the other caregivers.

Sero's pov

"Sero, um don't take this the wrong way are you going to handle all of these littles?" Jirou asked "yes, I would like to know as well, because it will be a lot of work to make sure their all safe and taken care of!" Iida added "I agree, and Tsu needs to have her teeth brushed with this special toothpaste" Momo said "oh deku needs to call me before he goes to bed, he gets separation anxiety...we'll maybe it's me but that doesn't matter" Shoto said "sounds like you've got a lot to do my friend" shinso said to me with a smirk.

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