Yandeer bakugou x reader *i think it's time for your first punishment*

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Hello lovely's I got another request for a yandere bakugou story so here it is!
Also just to let you know I have a sleepover tomorrow and I'm doing some other things as well so I won't be able to update for a few days, sorry
⚠️yandere themes, spanking and other things. Also reader is SHE/HER in this one.
No ones POV

Today was not a good day for bakugou and y/n for a starter y/n woke up on the wrong side of the bed as katsuki put it but to y/n she just didn't want to deal with katsuki's bull shit today. She had been locked up in this house for god knows how long. Katsuki was starting to get on her nerves always baby talking her when she didn't feel little and making her do things she didn't want to do, like making her eat her vegetables or wearing little clothes 24/7 y/n just needed a break from her over protective daddy, well that's what katsuki said he was but y/n knew he was a yandere and a psycho.

Bakugou says that he is doing what's right for her but if that was true why did he kidnap her and make her stay here when she clearly didn't want to be here, she obviously wasn't happy if anything she was getting depressed. And she had, had enough, she lost her calm today and on boy... did katsuki not like that one bit.

Y/n's POV

"Come on baby open your mouth and be a good girl for daddy" daddy said to me with a fake smile on "nu-uh" I said as I moved my head to the side "y/n. I said open your mouth or do I have to make you do it just like everything else" he said looking down at me with a frown "maybe I would do the stuff you told me to do if you hadn't kidnapped me or gave me a choice! Your a psycho and you always make me do things I don't want to do even if I tell you to stop" I said in an angry tone.

"Princess I'll give you one chance to take back what you just said and apologies." He said with a stern look "make me" I said I looked confident until I just realised what I had truly just said...oh no "oh really? Make you, oh I'll make you all right sweetie when I'm gone with you you'll be begging for my forgiveness" he said as he took me out of my high chair and started walking to my room "n-no I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to say t-that" I said as fear started to rise in my heart "no, no it's fine little one I know you meant it but now, I think it's time for your first punishment baby"

He said as he closed my bedroom door and placed me on the bed "okay princess now get over my knee" he said looking in my eyes "w-what are you going to do?" I asked in a scared tone "I'm going to give you a spanking to help you learn not to disobey me baby" he said looking into my eyes with a smirk "now get over my knee" he said in a commanding tone, I laid over his knees and tried to get comfortable "now I'm going to spank you 15 times okay princess?" "Yes daddy"

I said with a sad look in my eyes as I looked down at the floor "oh and I want you to count with me" he said. I felt I hit on my but "ow!" I said as I tear rolled down my face "already hurts little one?" Daddy said "y-yes daddy" I said in a small voice "okay little one well you have 15 more because you didn't count that one okay?" He said rubbing my back soothingly "o okay daddy" I said as another tear rolled down my face.

Time skip to when he was done spanking y/n

Bakugou's POV
"Aw little one there's no need to cry so much" I said looking down at my baby's red bottom "d-daddy Can i p-please have m-my stuffie" she said with tears in her eyes as she looked at me "aw of course baby and are you feeling extra little now?" I said looking her in the eyes, I could tell she had slipped into baby space from the way she was acting, pulling on her skirt, chewing on her sleeves and stuttering "y-yes dada" she said as she hugged me closer "aw okay little one how about I run you a bath and then we can put on a princess movie to fall asleep to yeah?" I said looking at them

"Y-yes daddy but can I wear a p-pull-up to bed pwease" they said looking at me "of course baby I don't want you to have an accident" I said as I picked them up and went to the bathroom, I'm so glad she's starting to Lear how to be little.

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this and thank you to the person that requested this <3

Love - moon 🌙

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