Bakusquad x reader telling them your a little

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(Y/n tells the bakusquad their a little, how will they take it?)

Y/n's POV

Today was the day I was going to tell my friends Mina, kirishima, bakugo, denki and sero my big, well maybe little secret that I had been keeping them from for a long time. I've never told anyone that I'm a little before and I'm pretty scared. I think they will be okay with it but... I don't know about bakugou, what if he makes fun of me and tells the whole school and then everybody thinks I'm weird or a freak?!?. No y/n your going to be fine! I tell myself. Then I arrived at mina's door... okay this is going to be just fine don't act weird don't act weird don-

"hey y/n, what are you doing waiting out there? Get it here so we can let the fun start!" Mina said, I looked around the room and everyone else was there waiting for me. "Hey! Dumbass get the fuck in here what took you so long ha?!?" Bakugou yelled at me "hey bakubro calm down, y/n it's fine we weren't waiting long for you" kirishima said with a smile. "Y/n! Come sit next to me!" Denki said patting the floor beside him with a goofy smile. I went and sat down next to denki and sero, I grabbed a bit of food and we all started talking.

Still y/n's POV

Me and everyone else are so tired after a long match of just dance... bakugou kept making us have rematches because he kept losing, but didn't want to except that. I noticed everyone was starting to get sleepy but then I remembered... I need to tell them today! So I looked at everyone and said "hey guys can you all stop what your doing and listen to me because I need to say something important to you all" everyone looked at me and then they all came and sat back down around me. "Yeah sure y/n what's up, you can tell us anything" sero said patting me on the shoulder with a sweet smile.

"Okay well I just wanted to say that I hope you guys once you've heard this don't think any less of me or thing I'm a freak because... I've never told anyone this before and I'm a bit nervous" bakugou made a "tsk" sound and said "just get on with it dumbass! We will still be friends with you no matter what you say..." bakugou said but he still had a frown on his face like he always does but I could tell he was trying to make me more calm.

Okay here go's nothing... "okay so I going this think called little space to help with ( whatever reason you had to do it) and it makes me a little more calmer if I'm freaking out or just to forget about the horrible world we live in..." everyone went silent and just looked at me until Mina gave ma a big hug and said "aw y/n it's okay I still want to be your friend and don't get mad and me but... I already knew! When I was looking through your room for a pen a saw somethings that made me realise that you were a little."... "What!?? So you never told me!". "Yeah I wanted to but I thought I should wait till your ready to tell us!" It was all going good until...

"What the fuck is little space?!? And what do you mean 'I found somethings that made me realise'" bakugou... I didn't think he would take it well and I started to get scared... what if bakugou thinks I'm weird now what if he- "hey bakubro that's no way to talk to y/n and if you don't know what it is look it up man..." kirishima said and he looked a bit disappointed at bakugou, but then he turned to me and smiled at we while hugging me "I know what it is y/n and I still think you're really manly!" Kiri said exactly.

"hey I want to hug y/n too!" Denki whined "hey leave some for me too!" Sero said as they both hugged me with bright smiles. I saw bakugou look back up from he phone with his resting bitch face, but this time it was less intense... "so that's what you were worried about telling us dumbass?... i think it's fine that you do that, as long as you're happy and your not hurting anyone then who am I to tell you that you shouldn't do that" bakugou then let out a small smile and hugged me as well! I was so happy that I almost forgot that it was 4 in the morning and how tired I was. I let out a yawn and then...

Kirishima spoke up "aw looks like y/n's sleepy, I think you should go to bed little one we don't want you to be cranky in the morning now do we guys?" They all nodded and looked at me with suspicious smiles... oh no... "yeah I think it is time for bed, I mean after all little ones shouldn't be a up pass their bed times now should they guys?" Bakugou said Everyone nodded and started to move... Then bakugou came up to me and picked me up!?! " come here baby you need to be in bed don't you?" I started blushing so hard ( if you don't show blush because of the colour of your skin ignore this)

oh no I've just given them another thing to tease me about! "Do you want me to read you a bed time story too baby? Or do you just want to go to sleep?" I mumbled out a small "sleep" and everyone except bakugou let out a small "aw"... "what's that I couldn't hear you little one did you say that you want to sleep in one of our beds because your scared to sleep alone?" I looked up even more embarrassed and bakugou had the biggest smirk on his face. "S-shut up!" "Okay okay sorry but not sorry, I hope you know we except you dumbass but... now you're never going to see the end of this teasing" bakugou said with a smirk.

What have I got myself into...

Time skip

It's been three months since I told my friends I was a little and it's been going good! Well bakugou still tease the living hell out of me but he still looks after me when I ask him to, he is actually really good and cuddles me a lot when I'm in little space. Mina is the best! She dose makeup looks on me and makes sure I look stylish in little space. Kirishima also takes care of me and makes sure that I eat and drink water. Sero and I play just dance together and he also sings me to sleep. And then denki... he got banned from taking care of me by him self because the last time he did he ended up making me cry and he couldn't stop me from crying so he started crying too. Then bakugou came in and got mad at denki for not being able to calm me down. So I would say it's going pretty good.

Moon's notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys hope you liked this btw just wanted to say the I have dyslexia, so if there are any spelling mistakes I'm sorry and that's probably the reason why.

Bye guys have a nice day or night

Love - moon :)

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