Hawks x reader x dabi *mission*

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Hello lovely's thank you all for requesting! This is the first one I got sent so this is the one I'm doing first!
Thank you all for sending in your request! Now I have a lot to write and it will probably last me 2 weeks! :she/her
Y/n's POV

Today shigaraki sent hawks, dabi and I on a mission. The mission consists of us stealing important documents from UA, I don't get why he had to send all of us but that's fine I guess. Hawks was driving us there as me and dabi went over the plan in the back of the car "okay so first we go in this way then we make a turn here and- hey y/n are you even listening?" Dabi asked me as he noticed I had zoned out and was looking out the car window. "O-oh yeah I am!" I said "mmm yeah sure you were..." he said and then went back to talking about the plan.

Time skip to when you get there

"Okay are you ready to go in y/n? We have to be really quick and quiet though, okay?" Hawks asked me "hmm oh yeah" I said. I noticed that for some reason I was starting to feel little {oh no why here of all places?!? I'm on a mission and I'm with two people that don't know I'm a little! Way to go little me you picked the worst time!} I think to myself as I start to feel smaller and smaller.

"Okay we got the documents now we just need to get out of here!" Hawks said in and excited whisper "oh wait y/n be careful of the wet!-...floor..." hawks said but it was to late I had already slipped on the water and somehow managed to hit my head {oh no... just keep in the tears! Just keep in the!- tears...} I think to myself but I can already feel the tears running down my face.

"Y/n stop being such a baby and get up!" Dabi said in an annoyed voice "shhh dabi you might-" hawks Said before he was interrupted by the alarms going off "shit RUN" hawks shouted but it was getting too much for little me and I started to cry more, dabi turned around and saw that I was still crying on the floor and ran up to me and picked me up before running alway from aizawa that was right behind us.

"Shit! Y/n you fucking owe me!" Dabi said as he put him and I in the car as hawks drove us away before aizawa could get us "now y/n... what was that!?!" Dabi said in an annoyed voice "m sorry... I-I didn mean too..." I said in a little voice "and why are you talking like that did you hit your head that hard?" He said looking at me "I-I no I just" before I could say anything else hawks interrupted us "Dabi I think I know what's going on she's little" he said looking at me in the mirror.

"What do you mean she's little? Yeah I know she's short" he said "no you fucking idiot she's a LITTLE it's a thing that people use as a coping mechanism come on you should know this! Your the one with crippling daddy issues" he said with a chuckle at the end "oh shut up bird brain!" Dabi said back in annoyance "okay so she's a little, what should I do then to make her stop crying!" Dabi said "just cuddle her on the way back and stop yelling, that would help a lot" hawks said as he put his focus back onto driving.

"Okay fine, so I just cuddle you, would that make you feel better y/n?" He asked me calmly "y-yes pwease" I said in a scared tone "okay come here then" he said as he opened his arms and patted his thigh signing for me to come sit in his lap. I crawled over to him and sat in his lap "okay now just rest your head on my shoulder and I'll rub your back, okay?" He asked me nicely "okay" I Said in a more calm voice.

"See hawks I'm not that bad I can take care of a...what was it again?"..."a little?" Hawks asked "yeah! A little" he said as he hugged me and rubbed my back "thank you for taking care of me.." I said into Dabi's shoulder "it's alright Angel but I would have liked it if you had told me that you were a little before this" he said into my hair "I'm feeling a bit sleepy.." I said with yawn at the end of my sentence "you can go to sleep on my shoulder I don't mind" Dabi said, bringing me closer to him.

"Goodnight little one and next time you're feeling little, tell me I would like to take care of you again" Dabi whispered into my ear before I fell asleep.
Hello lovely's I hope you liked this and also sorry that Dabi was low key very angry in half of this 😅

Love - moon 🌙

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