Shinso x kitty reader *i'm so proud of you*

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Hello lovely's I hope you're having an amazing day/night I don't know why I felt like writing again but i just did, also this is most likely a once off so please don't get the idea that I'm back to updating often.
Pronouns: they/them  items:  stuffie and little clothes
Shinso's pov

I look at the news station in horror as I watch a fight between a villain and my partner y/n. The villain has a quirk to do with water, meaning that y/n by this point is covered in water and I worry because they hate water and have sensory issues with it because of their cat quirk. The only time their okay with water is when it's bath time and I'm there to help them feel comfortable in that situation. But the villain's violent use of water, nearly drowning y/n definitely wouldn't be making them feel good at all.

Time skip (explanation)

After the help of y/n fighting off the villain for some time the back up had finally arrived to help y/n, but since y/n was covered in water they found that they were starting to freak out from sensory overload with the gross feeling of the water on them especially on their ears and tail. They were aloud to leave because the other hero's understood how they would be feeling and also because they could see in the mindset that y/n was now in that they wouldn't be able to continue fighting.

Y/n's pov

I walk up to my front door struggling with the keys to open it because I was freezing from the cold air on my body mixed with the water, but before I could actually open it the door swung open. I then see my boyfriend shinso there holding a towel, he then comes to me and wraps it around me. After being so overwhelmed by the whole situation I just went through I started to cry. "Shh it's okay kitty, you don't have to worry anymore, here let's get you inside near the fire"

He then picked me up bridal style and takes me to the lounge room where he lets my feet then touch the ground once in front of the fire. He rubs me gently with the towel "sweetheart is it okay if I take off your clothes to dry you properly? If not I'll leave you to dry off by yourself sweetie" he says with a caring tone "can you do it for me... I just feel so tired and-" before I can go on to explain myself more he stops me

"Y/n, sweetie you don't need a reason to want me to do it for you I can tell you're tired and also I just wanted to tell you I'm so proud of you. I know that would have been a really uncomfortable situation for you to be in but you still kept going, you did such a good job kitten" he says as he rubs my shoulders.

Times skip to when he's done drying you

Shinso's pov

Once I was done drying y/n I then looked over to the two pairs of clothes i brought out for them "now sweetie I have two clothing options for you but then depend on how you're feeling, are you feeling small now baby?" I ask with a small smile, they take a moment to think about what I had just asked them but then responding"small" they say then with a smile "okay sweetheart now do you want daddy to change you or do you want to do it yourself?" I ask, they then tell me that they want me to do it.

Once I was done changing them I then laid them down on the couch before pulling a blanket over them and giving them a stuffie. I then walked over to the kitchen to give them their favourite snack and a juice box. Once I had that ready I brought it to them and then turned on the tv to put on their favourite cartoon. "Can daddy come under the blanket too sweetie so we can cuddle?" I ask gently. They then smile and lift up the blanket for me.

When I lay down with them I start to pat their ears and they purred in response "tank u for taking care of me" they say as they push their face into my chest "it's the least I could do baby, after all you always help daddy when he's not feeling good"

Hello lovely's hope you enjoyed also hope I was okay at writing this after such a long break but again this doesn't mean I'm back to it. Also I think I'm going to delete my post about leaving because it brings back bad memories but I don't want people to think that I don't care anymore just because I deleted it so I don't know what to do about it.

Love - moon 🌙

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