Yandere Shigaraki x reader *i know everything*

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Hello lovely's I hope you enjoy this. This has been sitting in the drafts for awhile now.
PRONOUNS: she/her (sorry) ITEMS: (none)  TRIGGER WARNING: yandere themes, kidnapping, stalking, creepy shiggy
Shigaraki's narration? I guess idk what to call it.

She's so adorable... so soft, so kind, so fragile, so cute and so easy to take. Y/n l/n. She's a worker at the local game shop I go to, she started working their about 6 months ago and I couldn't take my eyes off of her from the moment I saw her... her beautiful (coloured) eyes... her (coloured) hair... her adorable smile... her bubbly and shy personality! She was so perfect for me... I wanted her... and I always get what I want.

My first interaction with her was very anticlimactic. Normal customer and employee talk. But after awhile of talking to her I started to get to know her... and like her personality as well... the only thing that isn't perfect about her is that she isn't a real gamer... but I can fix that when I take her home.

After about the 2 month mark of knowing her I knew that I needed to have her... and what better way but to start by stalking her!... that's when I found out she was something called a 'little' I had no idea what that was... I was shocked when I first saw her in this 'little space' she was wearing this cute frilly dress... her had her hair in pigtails with bows in them... she looked like a little princess! And it was so adorable how she played with her stuffies and watched children's shows, sipping on her sippy cup, cuddled up in her blankie... so precious! And the way she would babble to herself and get so emotional over the tiniest things... such an adorable little.

After I finished doing my research on 'littles' it made me even more obsessed with her and made me feel the need to protect her! She didn't have a caregiver to take care of her... and if something happened to my little princess I would never forgive myself! But today was the day... I'm going to take her home, she'll never be alone ever again! And she'll never work a day in her life again... someone so vulnerable shouldn't have to do normal people things... all she'll have to do is be a good girl for me.

~~~~~~ end of shiggy's inner monologue? Also context: you don't know he stalks you and are kinda friends because of him being a regular so you'll refer to him as shiggy. Also you don't know he is a villain yet~~~~~
Y/n's pov

I was cleaning up the shop for closing, just sweeping the floors. I'm the only one left in the store now as I prepare for closing. {I can't wait for the clock to hit 10pm! Only 7 more minutes and then I can relax at home... probably go into little space because I had a stressful day-} my train of thought was cut short as I hear the door bell ring, meaning a customer has walked in. I turn to greet them and see it's a regular, shiggy.

I give him a bit of a tired smile "hey shiggy... I'm just about to close up... is there something you need?" I ask softly and rub my eyes trying to stay awake. I then feel movement and I open my eyes to see he's right in front of me. It startles me a bit and I take a step back. Shiggy chuckles a bit from under his hood "you look sleepy... long day?" He asks in a bit of a cocky tone but I'm to tired to notice or care. I nod my head "yeah... I just really need some rest... you know..?" I say in a sleepy tone and let out a small yawn.

I don't notice the smirk that comes over his face when I yawn "yeah I get that... you poor thing... working is so hard isn't it?" He asks in a belittling tone, which confuses me... shiggy's never talked to me like that before "um no... work is okay... it was just not that good of a day... a new game dropped and I had to deal with some angry customers when I had to inform them it was sold out... anyways what are you here for...? I hope it's not that game..." I say with a sigh and move a bit of hair out of my face

"No no... I'm not here for that game... I'm here for something more special..." shiggy says in a soft tone with a smile and takes a step closer to me. I move a bit away from him feeling threatened. He then chuckles at my movement away from him "why are you moving away from me y/n...? Is something wrong...? Are you scared...? There's no need to be scared... I just wanna take care of you..." he says in a creepy tone "s-shiggy? Why are you acting like this... you don't usually act like this... and you hate being close to people" I say in a shaky tone as fear runs through my body.

I'm actually starting to worry now... shiggy is a lot bigger then me... and I don't know what his quirk is and mine isn't that strong... what do I do...

Shiggy then let's out a sigh "it's different with you sweetie... I want to be near you... I wanna cuddle you, kiss your forehead... I wanna be with you all the time... I want you to run to me when you get hurt and cry... I wanna be your caregiver..." he says in a creepy tone again. My eyes widen in shock and fear "w-what... how did you know... how long have you been stalking me for...?" I ask as it hits me... he could only have found out I was a little if he was stalking me.

"About 4 months..." he says nonchalantly. "Now... come here!" He says in a threatening tone and then charges at me. I let out a terrified scream, and quickly run behind an shelve. But then all of a sudden it's disintegrated. I fall over and back away from him, crawling on the floor. I have tears running down my face. When I'm scared I go into little space... but I'm sure he already knows that.

I'm backed up against the wall and have no where to run too. He stands where the shelve used to be and smiles down at me "aww princess... you're crying... are you really that afraid of daddy? Daddy may have a deadly quirk but he would never use it on his little girl..." shiggy says, speaking as if he was talking to a child. I shiver at him calling himself 'daddy' and even more terrifyingly MY daddy!

He then takes a step closer to me and I begin to breath heavily, I feel like I'm about to pass out from fear... and being in little space doesn't help. "Baby... no need to freak out so much! You're safe with me... I'm going to give you the life you deserve... when I kill all of these hero's and take over everything you will be my princess... sitting in my lap as I sit on my throne... you'll be like royalty... and until then I'll still treat you like my good little girl... you won't have to ever be 'big' again! You can be little all the time and only rely on daddy..." he says and then kneels in front of me, with a crazed smile on his face

"Now it's time we go home princess... kurogiri!" When he says that name all of a sudden we're taking into a black hole it seems.... {how am I going to get out of this... is it even possible to escape someone so crazed and powerful...} I think to myself as I pass out.


Hello lovely's I really hope you liked this one. Have a nice day/night and thanks so much for the support!

Love - moon 🌙

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