Dabi x reader *i'm here for you baby*

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Hello lovely's this is a request from one of my lovely supporters, I hope you like it <3
Reader's pronouns will be she/her in this story sorry to the people that don't go by those pronouns 🤍
Y/n's POV
I'm starting to hate my job, it feels like no matter how much work I get done there's always double that waiting for me to complete in a little time frame, and it doesn't help that my boss is never happy with the work I present. I just need a break and some time to calm down. I know what I need, I need to get home and talk to my boyfriend.

Time skip to when y/n got home

As I open the door I can smell my favourite dinner being cooked and some soft music playing in the background, as I walk in I see that my stuffies are on the couch even though I didn't leave them there "hello baby how was work?" Dabi asked me as he came in from behind and hugged me "yeah it was...okay" I say in a not very convincing tone "are you sure it was okay princess? You can talk to daddy about it if you would like" daddy said

I noticed that after he had said that I already started to feel a bit more calm and little, I sat down on the couch and held one of my stuffies close to my chest "so what's been troubling you at work little one, maybe it will make you feel better to tell daddy yeah?" Daddy said to me as he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder "yes please" I said in a small voice "aw are you feeling little, baby?" Daddy asked me with a smile on his face "yea just a little bit" I said as I hugged my stuffies tighter.

After telling daddy/dabi what was troubling you

"Aw sweetie you know I can always help you with your work if you need it, or I could have a little talk with your boss" daddy said with a smirk on his face at the last part "no it's fine daddy but can we pwease have dinner" I said noticing afterwards that I have said please wrong "sorry I meant please" I said "no, no it's fine little one I can tell you want to slip into little space, you can around me you know I'll take care of you baby" daddy said holding my hands in a caring way.

After he said that I noticed I started to slip even more "daddy can I pwease have some snackies" I said "of course little one but do you want to still eat the dinner I made? I made your favourite" he said with a smile "yes pwease daddy" after I had said that he picked me up and rested my body on his hip, he brought me to the kitchen and sat me on my chair "okay baby do you want daddy to feed it to you?" He asked as he served up my plate/bowl "yes pwease" I said "okay little one, good girl for using your words"

Time skip to when you had finished your food :)

"Okay baby now that you're done can you tell me how old you are?" He asked in a soft voice, I held up two fingers "Aw your tiny little one, how about we get you to bed so you can cuddle with daddy" he said "wes pwease" I said. He picked me up gently and walked me to our room, he sat me down on the bed and went over to the closet to get out a few options of onesies I could wear "okay little one what one do you want, the pink with flowers, the blue with leaves or the purple with bunny's" he said showing me all of them.

"Hmm can I have that one pwease daddy" I said pointing to the one I wanted "of course princess, this is my favourite one too" he said as he moved over to me to get me changed "oh princess I forgot to ask do you want to wear your pull-ups to bed because you said you were feeling pretty little, right?" He asked looking at me "Wes pwease daddy" I said as I made grabbing hands towards him "do you want daddy to change you princess?" "Yes pwease daddy!"

Time skip to being changed ⭐️

"Aw you look so adorable princess in your little onesie, I'm glad you picked that one because it's just as cute as you" he said pulling me closer so my head was laying on his chest, he rubbed my head and back in a soothing motion as he hummed a lullaby to me "I'm feeling sweepy daddy" I said as I closed my eyes on his chest "it's okay princess you can fall asleep now, daddy's got you and no one will ruin your slumber" he said as he kissed my forehead gently "goodnight daddy" "goodnight baby, sweet dreams"

Hello lovely's I hope you liked this one, because I really liked writing this.
I had my sleepover last night and I nearly slipped into little space while my friend was over because he wanted to watch a studio glibly movie, but I watch those movies while I'm in little space. We still watched it but I slipped into little space so I just said I was sleepy so I could have him not see me in little space. Anyways other then that we had a great time

We went on a picnic and painted, we watched movies, we went on a walk at night to see the Christmas lights and we had lots of yummy food! I loved it.

Love - moon 🌙

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