Shinso x reader *movie night*

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Hello lovely's I hope you all had a good Christmas 🥰 sorry if this won't be as good as usual but I'm writing this before my nap and I'm pretty sleepy.
Y/n's POV
I'm so excited for tonight because it's me and daddy's movie night! We have one ever week and have different movies we watch and this week we're watch Disney movies! I love Disney movie!.

I got ready for the night and put on a cute outfit that daddy had bought for me a few weeks ago.

Time skip to after getting ready

after I was done getting ready I heard A knock on the door {oh daddy must be home!} I think to myself as I ran downstairs to the front door "hello daddy!" I said as I ran into his arms " hello little one, I see you got out of your pjs finally, you look adorable" he said as he picked me up and Hugged me.

"Alright little one I just need to get changed out of my hero costume and then I can get dinner ready and you can pick out the movies" he said as he put me down and walked back upstairs "okay daddy" I said as I walked to the living room to pick out the movies I wanted us to watch.

Time skip to shinso being ready

"Okay little one, what do you want to eat that I can just put in the oven?" He said as he looked in the freezer "hmmm can I please have (freezer food)?" I asked nicely "yes of course you can baby" he said as he took out the food and started to lay it out on a tray "so have you picked out the movies you want to watch Angel?" He asked as he put the food in the oven "yes I did daddy! We're going to watch the Aristocats and the princess and the frog" I said with a smile.

"Those are some good picks little one, daddy really likes Aristocats" he said as he walked over to me and sat down next to me "so what one do you want to watch first?" He asked me "can we please watch the Aristocats first? Daddy" I said as I hugged him "yes sweetie, come sit on daddy's lap and get comfortable, I've been so busy with work lately that I haven't been giving you the love you deserve" he said as he moved me onto his lap and held me gently.

Time skip to half way in the movie and also you had already eaten

As me and daddy watched the movie he rubbed my back soothingly and rocked me back and forth, it was nice daddy had been away on work for a long time and now that he's back I couldn't be more happy. As I was getting more sleepy i yawn and daddy paused the movie "little one are you sleepy? Do you want daddy to tuck you in now?" He asked with a kind smile "yes please daddy I'm really sweepy " I said.

After I said that daddy picked me up and walked up the stairs to my room. Daddy then put me down gently "alright Angel do you want daddy to change you into your onesie?" He asked "yes pwease daddy" I said as I made grabbing hands at him "alright little one, hmm I think I might put you in your cat onesie tonight" he said to himself as he grabbed it from my clothes rack "alright Angel arms up" I put my arms up and let him change me "good Angel" he said.

He then laid me down on the bed and put the blankets over me "thank you daddy for always looking after me when I'm little" I said in a sleepy voice "aw thank you little one, and thank you for letting me take care of you" he said as he held me close to his chest, We then both closed our eyes and drifted of the sleep.
Hello lovely's I hope you liked this one shot! I really like writing it.

Love - moon 🌙

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