Hawks x reader *you need to rest*

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Hello lovely's! Tomorrow I'm back to school :( kinda sad... but at least I can write something for you guys!
PRONOUNS: they/them ITEMS: paci, stuffie , blankie.
Y/n's pov

I sit at my desk in my office trying to finish off a report that I had to submit to the hero commission about an encounter I had with a villain that day prior. But normally simple tasks become almost impossible when you're sick and feel little...

I sniffle as my nose feels runny... but also blocked at the same time? How can colds be so confusing... and then I start to feel a headache coming on... {this day couldn't get worse...} I think to myself as I try to massage my headache away with my head. I groan at the pain of it.

I hear a soft sigh from behind me, I turn feeling a bit startled only to see keigo... "not holding up too well huh, baby?" He asks softly and gently runs his fingers through my hair while rubbing my scalp, trying to help my headache. I whine "no... being sick sucks..." I say in a pouty voice. He lets out a light chuckle "I know buba... you poor thing... I can't let my love suffer in pain any longer... I'm taking you home to rest... I should have known you were too sick to go to work today. I'm sorry baby" he says softly and hugs me from my spot in my chair, his wings also wrap around both of us.

I nod my head "it okay... I just wanna rest and be with you..." I say softly. He hums in agreement "mmm... are you feeling little? Because I kinda feel like my little one is feeling little today~" he says in a bit of a teasing tone. I nod my head "...yeah" I say softly. He chuckles and then picks me up in his arms, to carry me out of the agency "well then I'm definitely not letting us stay here any longer... I'm gonna take care of my little baby" he says, leaving the agency.

Time skip to back home.

Keigo's pov

When I walk in the door holding y/n in my arms I gently place them down on the kitchen table "baby how about you go get changed into some comfy pjs while daddy gets allllll the most comfy blankies and pillows he can find... and I'll also bring (favourite stuffies name) and your paci" I say softly to them. They smile up at me and nod their head, letting out a little sniffle from their runny nose "okay daddy" they say softly.I get out a tissues and wipe their nose for them before I let them leave.

I lift them back off of the kitchen table and they waddle up to their room. I smile at the cute sight and then get back to my task. I get every throw blanket I can find and all our pillows. I pull out the couch mattress so we can lay on it like a bed. I throw all of the pillows on first, that alone takes up half the space and then add on the blankets... it kinda looks like a nest... ironic.

I then get y/n's stuffie and paci and walk to their room to make sure they're okay. I knock on the door softly "baby are you ready...? Daddy's already set up everything for you honey" I say softly. The door opens to reveal y/n in their pjs except struggling to find the right hole for their arms and head. I giggle at the cute sight. "Aw baby... here let daddy help with that..." I say and gently pull the pj top down over their head and help them put their arms through the sleeves.

I kiss them on the nose "there... all better now" I say with a smile "tank u daddy..." they say softly. "It's okay baby... now let's go cuddle on the couch and watch a movie... I also got a tissue box next to the couch just in case... and some cough drops... anything you need sweetie" I say softly, they nod their head. I then pick them up and carry them to the couch. Setting them down on their side and I get in next to them, pulling the blankies over us.

"Oh and how could I forget... do you want this baby....? Who is it! Go on... tell daddy who is this...!" I say in a baby voice as I hold up their stuffie to their face and make the stuffie kiss their face as I keep making kissing noises. They giggle "(favourite stuffie name!)" they say softly still, as I assume they have a sore throat but with excitement. I grin "that's right buba!" I say and give it to them, they snuggle their stuffie and I coo at the cute sight.

"What movie do you want to watch baby?" I ask softly, handing them the tv remote. They look for a movie for a bit before they settle for one of their favourite movies to watch while little. "Good choice baby" I say and kiss their forehead as I press play for them.

I pull them closer to me so that their head is resting on my chest. I smile down at them as they snuggle into my chest "and before I forget..." I say softly, I then slip their paci into their mouth. I smile down at them, they look so adorable with their paci in "perfect... my perfect baby... even if you're sick and a little snotty..." I say with a small giggle. They let out a huff "only joking baby... I would love you no matter what... daddy loves you" I say softly and kiss their nose.

"I wove daddy too" they say with the paci in their mouth, they then press their paci into my cheek, as if giving me a kiss. I smile wider and cuddle them closer to me, feeling so happy and loved in this moment.

Hello lovely's I hope you guys enjoyed this! This was one of the requests I got and this person has been someone that has been following me for a pretty long time and always show's support to me so of course I had to do their request. Thanks for all the love and support. I hope you guys have a lovely day/night.

Love - moon 🌙

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